Grower360 Invoices

A listing of all product Invoices can be viewed from the Invoices menu. This includes both paid and unpaid Invoices.

The Search field can be used to search by Invoice #, Control #, Field or Invoice Status. Using the Search field filters the data down by matching results.

Data can be further filtered by selecting the Filters icon next to the Search field. Filter by Invoice Date Range to display results for Invoices with an Invoice Date within the selected date range or Due Date Range to display Invoices with a Due Date in the specified range. The filter can be used in conjunction with the Search feature.

Select the Calendar icon and choose a date from the calendar that displays or select in the Date Range fields and key in the desired start and end dates. Choose Apply Filters when done. The filters selected display below the Filters button.

If a discount is applicable, the amount of the discount will display. Hovering over the blue tooltip provides the discount amount and expiration date.

Select the Expand icon to view additional Invoice details, including products, Unit Price and Quantity, Split%, Tax, and Prepay.

The Ellipsis icon gives options to View PDF, Download PDF, and/or Reorder Products. The PDF contains additional details such as Products listed on the Invoice, account information, and Invoice comments.

Reorder Products must be enabled in SKY Admin for this option to be available. For more information on reordering Products, see here.