Backorder Functionality

When Product is entered on a Delivery Ticket, but not enough Product is on hand to fill the request, picked and backordered information may be indicated on the Delivery Ticket.

A new Delivery Ticket for the backordered quantity may be created and the backorder tickets can optionally display on the Delivery Ticket Journal report.


In the Product grid of the Delivery Ticket, there are columns of Picked Y/N, Picked Amount, and BackOrder Y/N. The Picked Y/N column indicates the Product has been pulled from the warehouse. The Picked Amount indicates the quantity pulled and is only editable if the Picked Y/N column is checked. Marking the Picked Y/N column defaults the Picked Amount to the Net amount. To backorder a line item, mark the BackOrder Y/N indicator.

When the Delivery Ticket is saved, if the Loaded box is checked and the Picked Y/N column is checked, the following situations apply.

Picked Amount Is Less Than the Net Amount

A message displays asking to add a new ticket for the difference. Selecting No saves the ticket for the quantity of the Picked Amount. Selecting Yes sets the Net amount to the Picked Amount, the Loaded Delivery Ticket is saved for the available amount, and a new unloaded ticket is saved with the backordered line item.

Picked Amount Is Greater Than the Net Amount

A message displays asking to set the Net amount to the Picked Amount. If No, it returns to the original Delivery Ticket. If Yes, the Net amount is set to the Picked Amount, and the Delivery Ticket is saved.

New Ticket Was Created for the Backordered Items

A Comment is added to the original ticket cross-referencing the ticket containing the backordered items. This comment prepends any comment manually entered on the ticket. A new, unloaded Delivery Ticket is added for the line items with a Picked Amount less than the Net amount. A Comment on the ticket cross-references the original ticket and contains Comments from the original ticket. The BackOrder flag is set based on the original ticket. The Gross Amount, Quant, and Net are set to the Gross Amount on the original ticket less the Picked Amount specified on the original ticket.

The Delivery Ticket Journal report, found at Inventory / Inventory Status / Delivery Ticket Journal, has an Include Back Order Tickets Only option to only show the backorder Delivery Tickets.