Batch Add Delivery Tickets

Accessed by choosing Batch Add at Inventory / Delivery Ticket, this function creates a series of duplicate Delivery Tickets for one Product by either selecting the Product or importing from a Booking. As the tickets are being added, if a credit warning appears, the option selected applies to all remaining tickets. When using a Booking for the Batch Add utility, one Product may be pulled from the Booking to create the Delivery Tickets. If a Booking will be overused, a message displays asking permission to proceed which also applies to all remaining tickets. If a Booking is not used and instead the Products are manually selected, the Batch Add functionality allows for multiple Products on the Delivery Ticket.

Note: To use this functionality, the Auto-number Document preference must be selected for Delivery Tickets on the Setup Accounting Database and Location Counters window. This is found by selecting the Counters button at Accounting / Setup / Preferences.

On the Select a Delivery Ticket window, choose the Batch Add button.

Note: Once Batch Add is selected, the entry is the same as entering a single Delivery Ticket.

Select the Customer(s), and choose the Booking or Product(s) to be included. Confirm the correct Loaded status is selected then enter the Quantity to be used for each load. This Quantity will be applied to each Delivery Ticket. When the ticket is ready, select Save. The Batch Add Delivery Tickets window displays.

Upon saving, the Batch Add Delivery Tickets window appears to enter the number of tickets to be created. Selecting OK creates the specified number of duplicate Delivery Tickets.

The Print Delivery Ticket Documents window displays showing the range of tickets that have been created.

Check the desired documents to print, and select OK. The specified number of duplicate Delivery Tickets are created and are available on the Select a Delivery Ticket window.