Updated Articles

  1. Consumer Portal User Maintenance - SKY Admin

    Consumer Portal Users and SKY Admins have access to the Energy Force Management tool featuring the Consumer Portal User Maintenance Page. View customer's  Email  addresses used to sign up with on the Portal and associated Ene...
  2. Energy Force Setup - SKY Admin for Consumer Portal - SKY Admin

    Must be hosted and have Energy Force version 17.270 or higher for SKY Admin access with the Consumer Portal. Reach out to Sales to learn more.  ...
  3. Grain Freight

    The following covers adding Grain Freight charges on multiple Grain documents and reconciling using the Reconcile Grain Freight utility. Setup Add Freight on Scale Tickets At Grain / Operations / Scale Tickets , add or edit a Scale Ticket. ...
  4. Vendor Setup

    For the Full Accounting edition, Vendors with balances as of the online date are the most important to enter. However, it is strongly recommended to enter any Vendor who has paid any kind of disbursement. Add Vendors by going to File / Open / Vendo...
  5. Advanced Deduction tied to a Grain Settlement Contract

    Designate specific Advanced deductions to be tied to Grain Settlement Contracts. Setup Select Add or Edit at Grain / Setup / Settlement Deduction . On the Add/Edit a Settlement Deduction window, when the Class of Deduction i...
  6. Grain Balance Detail Report

    The Grain Balance Detail report provides a customer analysis of grain by contract and price. At Grain / Setup / Grain Ledger Accounts , establish the Grain Ledger Accounts for each Commodity per Location to display grain balances on the Grain ...
  7. Calculate a Deduction Amount on Shipment Settlements

    When Sales Contracts with selected Discount schedules are used on Shipment during the settlement, the Shipment Deductions may calculate a per Shipment Deduction for the deduction linked to a Premium / Discount schedule. Setup At Se...
  8. Calculating and Displaying US Grade Scale Tickets

    Grain warehouses licensed under the U. S. Warehouse Act are required to display the U.S. Grade on every Scale Ticket. The following setup instructions set a Grade Factor that represents the U.S. Grade, a preference to specify which Grade Factor...
  9. Flat Rate Fees

    To apply flat rate per load fees such as inspection fees, etc. when settling units from Scale Tickets or Assembly Sheets, see the following. Rules Premium/Discount Schedules The same Premium/Discount Schedule name must be...
  10. Scale Ticket Formats for Agvance Scale Interface

    Following are samples of the Scale Ticket formats that can be used with the Agvance Scale Interface. SASI-Short SASI-Detail SASI-Full SASI-FP 2Up SASI-California The SASI style was designed to print on preprinted ticket forms that ...