Field Split More Than Eight Ways

There is one possibility but it only works if customers can be divided into two groups, each of which are 50% of the split when their percentages are added together.

For example, we have this 10-way split:

C1 = 15
C2 = 20
C3 = 5
C4 = 10
C5 = 5
C6 = 5
C7 = 5
C8 = 10
C9 = 5
C10 = 20

One field would be set up for customers 1-4, which will be 50% of the split, and another field with the remaining 6 customers which is the other 50% of the split.

Field 1 would look like this:

  • C1 = 30
  • C2 = 40
  • C3 = 10
  • C4 = 20

Field 2 would look like this:

  • C5 = 10
  • C6 = 10
  • C7 = 10
  • C8 = 20
  • C9 = 10
  • C10 = 40

Be sure to do Delivery Tickets and not just Invoices. When the product is picked up, make the Delivery Ticket 100% to the farmer then do a split out to two tickets, one for each field. If the product is split evenly between the two fields, then each customer will get the correct splits.

Again, the key is setting up the two fields so that 50% of the splits are in one field and 50% in the other, so you can always split the quantities on the Delivery Tickets evenly.