Updated Articles

  1.  Direct Request

    Sometimes products are directly requested when a blend operator or customer wants to target a certain amount of product per acre for application or customer ‘load out.’ To make a direct request, bypass the formulation step and ente...
  2.  Splitting out Existing Blend Tickets

    Combining or splitting out of existing Blend Tickets allows splitting out one or more Blend Tickets to associate the correct quantity with each field. Example : The original Blend document is used to load a truck to get the product to the fields. ...
  3. Voiding a Demand Note Check

    In Patronage, navigate to File / Open / Patron Info and edit the appropriate Patron. Note : This process of voiding a check should only be used if the check was written today. If a check from a previous date needs to be voided, please contact SS...
  4. Blending Startup Procedures for Agvance

    Before using the Agvance Blending module, use the following guide to set up the data appropriately. Add Inventory Departments. To blend in Agvance, a minimum of three new departments - Fertilizer, Pesticides, and Services - must be added. It...
  5. Grower360 Field Service Request - SKY Admin

    The Request Service feature allows Grower360 users to quickly request field services such as product application.  In order to receive notifications from growers, Grower360 Admin must perform the following steps.  In Agvance SKY, use the ...
  6. Grower360 Legal Documents - SKY Admin

    Customize the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy displayed in Grower360. Note: This will replace the CURRENT Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . In SKY Admin, select Grower360 from the left navigation menu then select SETUP on the...
  7. Grower360 Divisions - SKY Admin

    Divisions can be determined under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Set up the Divisions to display in the Grower360 menu navigation. This is a company-wide setting and will be available to all Grower360 users within a company. Setting up the foll...
  8. Grower360 Patronage - SKY Admin

    Stock Classification types for Grower360 can be managed by selecting Setup  on the Patronage  card found under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Toggling a Classification on   displays that classification on the Patronage  page o...
  9. Grower360 Fields - SKY Admin

    Field service requests can be managed for Grower360 under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Select Setup to view and manage field service request options. Selecting the Service Requests toggle on the Fields page allows Grower360 users to quickl...
  10. Grower360 User Maintenance

    User Maintenance can be found under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Select Manage on the User Maintenance card to view Grower360 accounts and the customer accounts with which they are associated. Use the Search field at the top of the User M...