- AN-2267 / Mapping Equation Detail Dashboard – The Mapping Equation Detail dashboard shows which equations are being selected per Field as well as the nutrients and Products that go with the equation.
- SKYR-569 / Energy Force Admin Option – Energy Force is no longer an option within SKY Admin / Users.
- SKYR-655 / Add/Edit Tank Admin Permission – User Permission Feature for Add/Edit Tank available under SKY Energy to further define who should or should not be adding new tank details.
- SKYR-578 / Save New Tank – Minimal required fields available to add and save a tank, more fields to be added.
- SKYR-680 / SKY Energy Feedback Button – The Feedback button in the bottom left hand menu has been updated to open in a new tab with a form to submit any SKY Energy related feedback. Enter the required details and choose Submit to share back to SSI. Please note, this is not a support tool.
Version 5.03
- HW-10900 / Analysis Layers – A new menu option was added to the top context menu in Layers under the Create Batch Analysis Layer menu to enable batch-processing of Profit/Loss Analysis Layers.
- HW-11132 / Equation Rec Rx File Import – When using the Rx File Import with a Product Rate in ton/ac, the nutrient rate is calculated as expected.
- HW-11672 / Satellite Imagery – The Satellite Imagery setup process supports Fields up to 2500 acres as expected.
- HW-11678 / Application Event/Rec – When the rate unit of any Product Mix is changed in one zone, the other zone rate units are updated accordingly if they are the same Product. This applies to manual Application Events and Recs.
- HW-11748 / Lock Boundary Edit – A new User Role was added to the Add/Edit Field section called Lock Boundary. When this role is active, a new option is added to the Edit Field Details area allowing Admin Users to block editing of the Field boundary. Those without access to Lock Boundary will not see the Lock Boundary strip and cannot enable or disable the feature.
- HW-11783 / Sampling – The Soil Sampling depth preference for the Start and End Depth for Soil Sampling Events behavior has been reenabled to remain fixed.
- HW-11861 / Import Harvest – Imported Harvest Events support clearing of the Brand and/or Variety.
Version 5.02
- HW-9507 / Zone Tools – The Zone tools now work as expected and the ability of the Union tool has been expanded to allow combining and dissolving two non-adjacent zones. When the Union tool is active and a Zone is selected the next Zone selected is assigned to the same class regardless of its location within the field. The Legend class acres are updated accordingly (increasing in one class and lowering in another).
- HW-11054 / Import Monitor Files – The Monitor Files - Onsite template processing remains during the Processing File status as expected.
- HW-11111 / Field Setup Clip Adjacent Fields – When double-clicking to finalize a new polygon part, if the polygon overlaps another Field's boundary of the same Customer, a prompt, Overlap Detected, is displayed. New options include Clip to Other Field, Update Other Field, and Cancel.
- HW-11628 / Loadsheet Multi-Field Rec Report Option – A standalone, fixed user preference for the multi-Field Rec report option for the Loadsheet report was added independent of the Export Controller preferences.
- HW-11652 / SKY Crop Planning Crop Zone – The Crop Zone report option for the SKY Crop Planning report properly classifies Crop, Crop Purpose, or Crop Chemistry and includes the appropriate legend class and color on the same map page when the Farm and Grower Per Page Options are used.
- HW-11765 / Auto Import Sampling – Emailing results-only MODUS files works as expected.
- HW-11792 / Export Controller Falcon Dealer ID Option – When exporting a Rec in the Export Controller area, if AGCO is selected for the Controller Company and Falcon (*.tiff) for the Controller Format, a new textbox allows a 6-digit Dealer ID to be entered. This defaults to 123456 but a fixed preference allows the default value to be changed.
- HW-11815 / Yield Calibration – The Total Yield calibration displays as expected.
- HW-11817 / SKY Recs Report Application – The SKY Recs Report - Application handles multiple parameters and multiple Event data on the Report page as expected.
- HW-11847 / Multiple Report Types – The web and mobile app supports creating multiple report types at once and selected in any order as expected.
- HW-11659 / Measure Tools Area – A new Measure icon was added that displays below the GPS icon on the home screen. When selected, a list of three options appear in the Measure Type list: Area, Area-Freehand, and Area-Track. The new tools enable area measurement using select, freehand, and GPS techniques. Area unit options include acres (default) and square feet. Line unit options include feet (default) and miles.
- SV-2097 / Mark AP POs as Processed – If editing an AP PO, an option is available to Mark as Processed which will cause the AP PO to no longer be available to import into an AP Bill. This option may be needed if the AP PO was not pulled into an AP Bill and is no longer needed.