7.0.27400 | 03.11.2025


  • FTM-4294 / Vendor Payee – A new Payee checkbox now exists on the Vendor profile to indicate if Address 1 contains a Payee name. When this checkbox is selected, Journal Entry sources of QuickCheck, Pay APBill, PP-QCheck, VoidQCheck, PP-JE, and ReverseJE created for these Vendors will add Address 1 to the Payee names for Positive Pay files using Format 2.


  • FTM-4300 / ASCII Import – A new Consume Bookings checkbox was added to the Import Invoice ASCII Files window at Accounting / Transfers / Import / Invoice ASCII Files. This allows Bookings to be applied to Invoices as they are imported. If there are any Booking conflicts, the Invoice form will be displayed until the Booking conflict is resolved and the Invoice is manually saved. Then, the import will continue.