Updated Articles

  1. Product Price Audit

    The Product Price Audit report displays price changes made using Edit Product Pricing , Edit Product Pricing Using Formulas or at the Product Pricing tab. This report can be filtered by product, date range, price levels, and optionally by a dol...
  2. Consolidated Sales Analysis Report

    The Consolidated Sales Analysis report groups sales by Department Category and Product ID to show sales across Locations. An advantage of this report is it automatically includes Products with identical Product IDs and Department Categories when onl...
  3. Backorder Functionality

    When Product is entered on a Delivery Ticket, but not enough Product is on hand to fill the request, picked and backordered information may be indicated on the Delivery Ticket. A new Delivery Ticket for the backordered quantity may be created and t...
  4. Dormant Products Report

    The Dormant Product Report displays products with no activity and/or no sales activity for a specific period of time. Navigate to Accounting / Accounting Reports / Inventory / Inventory Status / Dormant Products . Set up the necessary Report Crit...
  5. Wisconsin Motor Fuel

    Supplier and Carrier returns for reporting Wisconsin Motor Fuel using XML files are available. The schedules available for Purchase Invoices are the WI1F, and WITR. The schedules available for Sales Invoices are WI7, WI8, WIOD, WITD, WI10A, WI10B, W...
  6.  Surcharge on Quick Tickets

      A processing fee surcharge may be applied to Quick Tickets in Agvance. This surcharge is based on the payment method type setup for each location. Select the G/L Posting tab when adding or editing a Location at Accounting / Setup...
  7. Price Overrides

    Price overrides can be recorded in the database when a price is changed on a transaction. Additionally, a reason can be required to be entered. When this information is recorded, the Price Changes Log report displays the information. Navigate to A...
  8. Inventory Detail Recap Report

    The Inventory Detail Recap report shows a high-level summary of product activity reflecting the movement of inventory. Navigate to Accounting Reports / Inventory / Inventory Position / Inventory Detail Recap . The headings on the report are as foll...
  9. Convert Pounds to Tons Automatically

    Agvance automatically converts pounds to tons on Delivery Tickets if the Inventory Units on the Product is set to Tns . On the Product tab at Hub / Setup / Company Preferences , select Add Unit . Enter Tns as the  Unit ID . When ...
  10. Charging for Seed Treatments

    Using the price rollup feature on an Invoice allows charging for a seed treatment and displays the Products that were used in the treatment but excludes the Product prices and quantities. To exclude the prices of the seed treatment Products, create...