Sell from Dept ID

The Sell From Dept ID preference at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences on the Delivery Ticket tab allows the option to easily change the Inventory Department that a Blend or Delivery Ticket line item is pulling from without having to delete and re-add the line item. It was designed for companies that want sales dollars to post to the Location sourcing or blending the product instead of the Location where the customer order was placed.

The expected process flow for a company using the Sell From Dept ID preference is as follows:

  1. An unloaded Blend or Delivery Ticket is created when the order is placed with Products from the Location where the order is placed.
  2. When the dispatcher determines which Location will source the Product, the Dept ID on the ticket line items are changed to match the Location from which the inventory is being sourced and to where the sales should be posted.

The Sell From Dept ID may be changed by editing the ticket itself or through the Dispatch module.

Delivery Ticket

When this preference is enabled, a Dept ID column may be added to the Delivery Ticket by right-clicking on any column heading in the product grid, and selecting Choose Columns.

Select the Dept ID column, and the column displays in the grid.

When using the cursor to hover over a Dept ID on an unloaded Delivery Ticket, a dropdown menu allows the user to select any other Dept ID belonging to the same category as the original.

The Dept ID may be changed on any line item. In this case, Dap will come from the 01 Location, but Potash is still coming from the 00 Location.

When the ticket is loaded, inventory is pulled from the department selected in the grid for each line item. The sales dollars also post to this department when the ticket is invoiced. This option does not create an Inter-Company Transfer.

After the ticket has been loaded, the Dept ID column is visible in the grid, but a different Dept ID may no longer be selected.

Blend Ticket

On the Blend Ticket, a Sell From Dept ID column displays by default; it does not need to be manually added to the grid. It is located on the far right but may be moved within the grid to make it more accessible.

The functionality is the same as on the Delivery Ticket. The inventory is pulled from the Sell From Dept ID when loaded, and the sales dollars post there when the ticket is invoiced. No Inter-Company Transfer is created.

The Dept ID may be changed until the ticket is loaded, at which point it is visible but can no longer be edited.


When the Sell From Dept ID preference is enabled, the Sell From Dept ID column is visible in the Dispatch grid.

Selecting the button in this column displays a window where the Sell From Dept ID can be edited for any line item on the ticket or choose a single Location to apply to all line items.