Purge Blend Tickets

The Purge Blend Tickets feature removes Blend Tickets based on the Ticket Date or Ticket Range for the selected Location.

This utility is found at Blending / Utilities / Purge Blend Tickets.

Note: This utility is typically used after ending the fiscal year. It is strongly recommended to back up data before performing this function. Please contact SSI with any questions.

Ending the fiscal year does not purge Blend Tickets from the new fiscal year database. Therefore, purging tickets allows the company to remove the tickets from the new fiscal year. This optional utility should only be used AFTER ending the fiscal year. It is also strongly recommended to back up the data before performing this function. The utility purges Blend Tickets for all locations, based upon the selected filter option. The options are Ticket # range or Ticket Date range. To purge only tickets that have been invoiced, DO NOT select the Delete All Tickets in Range option. If there are tickets that have not yet been transferred to the field history file, or invoiced, a warning appears before deleting. When the purge process has completed, enter in the new starting ticket number.

Note: If Blend Tickets exist to be used as templates, be sure these tickets are not included in the purge process.

Choose the Location for which the Blend Tickets will be purged. Set the Filter to either Ticket Date or Ticket #. Select the Starting and Ending Ticket Date if the Filter is set to Ticket Date, and when set to Ticket #, select the Starting and Ending Ticket #.

The Ticket Date references the Ordered Date on the Blend Ticket for the selected Location. For example, if the Starting Ticket Date for the selected Location is set to 03/15/2021, and the Ending Ticket Date is set to 10/03/2023 on the Purge Blend Tickets window and a Blend Ticket has an Ordered Date of 09/15/2023 and a Loaded Date of 10/10/2023, the Blend Ticket will be included in the purge even though it has not yet been loaded. This is also true when the Filter is set to Ticket #.

When the Delete All Tickets in Range option is selected, all Blend Tickets will be purged, even if they have not yet been invoiced. If not selected, only tickets that have been invoiced will be purged.

A warning will appear if there are tickets that have not yet been transferred to the field history file or invoiced.

After the purge process is complete, select a different Location and enter in the new Starting Ticket # or Starting Ticket Date if it differs from the default.