Transfer to Field History

The posting of product application to Field History is a user-initiated function. This may be done for all fields or for a specific field.

Post History All Fields at Once

To post history for all Fields for a specified range of transactions, go to Hub / Utilities / Transfer to Field History.

  1. Select the Transfer option for Invoices, Blend Tickets, and/or Delivery Tickets. Invoiced Blend Tickets and Delivery Tickets are transferred by default if checked for transfer.
  2. To skip non-invoiced Blend Tickets or Delivery Tickets, do not place a check in the Include Non-Invoiced box. These skipped tickets will transfer after they are invoiced and the utility is run again.
    Note: The Include Non-Invoiced option should not be used without contacting SSI. If checked, loaded but not yet invoiced transactions will be transferred.
  3. Choose the Location from which the transactions should be transferred.
    Note: It is recommended to transfer the information one location at a time.
  4. Select the Invoice and/or Ticket ranges and choose OK.
  5. A message displays indicating the transfer is complete and the selected items were transferred to Field History. Choose OK then close the Transfer to Field History window.
    Note: Transactions posted to Field History are marked so they cannot be edited or posted to Field History again.

Any transaction posted to Field History is marked in such a way that it cannot be posted to Field History again or edited. Voids of Invoices previously posted to Field History display a message instructing to manually delete the Field History entry. The Rate/Acre saved for Delivery Tickets that post are calculated using Field Acres = 1. Invoices use the acres saved on the Additional Info tab and use 1 if those acres have not been set.

This function posts all loaded Blend Tickets, loaded, by field Delivery Tickets and by field Invoices that did not originate with Delivery or Blend Tickets and reversals of these transactions. 

Specific Field

To post to a specific field, edit the Field and on the History tab select Import New History. The Transfer to Field History screen appears allowing selection of the types of transactions to be transferred.

Unposted Transactions at End of Year

There is a notification before proceeding at End of Periods / Fiscal Month (when it’s the 12th month) and at Blending / Utilities / Purge Blend Tickets if transactions exist that are not yet posted to the Field History (Blend Tickets, when using the Purge Blend Tickets function, direct Invoices and Delivery Tickets when ending the fiscal year).