Hidden Blend Fees

When blending by Guaranteed Analysis it is possible to set up Hidden Blend Fees in Agvance Blending that will not show up as line items when the customer is invoiced. The price of these fees will add to the price of the analysis line item, but the fees themselves will be hidden inside the analysis line item.

Add a department in Agvance to house the blend fee products. This can be done from Accounting / Setup / Inventory Departments

Move hidden blend fee products into the Blend Fee department. This process can be done by editing the product at Accounting / File / Open / Products / Edit, and then double-clicking in the box next to the <Dept> heading. Select the blend fee department, and click the Select button.

Select the department as a hidden blend fee department. In Agvance Hub, access the Setup / Location Preferences. Double-click in the first open box under the <Department Name> heading in the Hidden Blend Fees Departments section. Highlight the hidden fees department and click the Select button.

Note: All products in this department must be set up for use in Agvance Blending. All products in this department will now be hidden from view when invoicing a guaranteed analysis Blend Ticket.