Blending Interface with the Repete Corp/Sabre Feed System

Feed Formulas

Feed Formulas will need to be set up in Agvance Planning as Field Plans. To create a new Field Plan, go to Planning / File / Open / Field Plan. On the Select a Plan window, double-click to select a Field and add the Feed Plan(s) for each Customer.

Product Attribute

A Product Attribute will need to be set up to hold the Product ID. Go to Hub / Setup / Company Preferences. On the Product tab, choose Product Attributes then Add. Name and save the new Product Attribute that will be used to store the Product ID. The Product ID stored in this Attribute for a Product will be included in the files exported from Agvance which will then be imported into the Repete/Sabre Feed system.

The new Attribute Value for each feed Product will need to be populated with the Product ID. A utility is available to make that process automatic. 

Go to Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities / Hub / Batch Attributes Maintenance / Copy Product Attributes.

Select all the Products that will be used in making feed and choose Product ID in the Copy From drop-down. For the Copy To drop-down, select the name of the Attribute previously set up for the Repete/Sabre Feed system cross reference and choose OK. This will populate each Product’s Agvance ID into the new Attribute value for all the selected Products.

Note: Each new Product entered after this utility is run must have the Agvance Product ID manually entered into that Attribute field.

Product Set

Go to Blending / Setup / Product Sets and choose Add.

On the Blender Interface / Print Preference tab, select Repete SABRE NXT as the Blender Type, set the path to the folder where exported files are to be saved, and select the Product Attribute name previously set up to hold the Product ID as the Blend Factor To Use.

Exporting Information From Blend tickets

After adding and saving a Blend Ticket that used a Feed Plan (a Plan that was set up in the Planning module), the Print Blend Documents Ticket window appears. In the Blend Ticket Options section, check the Create Automated Blender File preference. This will cause an export file to automatically be created when selecting OK, or, if an export file already exists in the destination folder, information from this Blend Ticket will be appended to the information currently in that existing file. The export file can be found in the folder specified by the path set during setup of the Product Set. The export file can be imported into the Repete/Sabre Feed system at any time.

Information Exported From Repete/Sabre System

When the Repete/Sabre Feed system exports information, it will either create a new file called PRODIMP.DAT or will add information to an existing PRODIMP.DAT file if one exists.  

Note: If a Product is substituted in the Repete/Sabre system for a feed blend, it is critical that the corresponding Blend Ticket for that feed mix be edited to show the actual Products which are going to be used. This must be done before the Repete file is imported into the Blend Ticket. This will ensure when a Repete Done file is imported into a Blend Ticket, the Products in the file will always match the Products on the Blend Ticket, and the quantities used will update the Blend Ticket and be accounted for when the Blend Ticket is imported into an Invoice.

Importing Information Into Blend tickets

When ready to import information from the PRODIMP.DAT file into Agvance Blending, go to Blending / Utilities / Generate Repete Sabre NXT Done Files.

The PRODIMP.DAT file can contain information on one or several completed feed jobs. As a result, information relating to each Blend Ticket will need to be split out of the PRODIMP.DAT file into separate files. This utility will split out individual Blend Ticket information from the PRODIMP.DAT file into individual files containing the Blend Ticket number in the name and an ACT file extension. These individual files will then be ready to import into Blend Tickets.

Set the path for Folder containing the Repete PRODIMP.DAT file to point to the folder where the file created by the Repete/Sabre Feed system will be stored. 

Set the path for Folder to create Done files into, which is the folder where the individual files created by this utility are to be stored. The path should be to the same folder set on the Blender Interface / Print Preference tab when adding the product Blend Set during setup for this interface.

Upon selecting Create Done Files, information for the individual files will be extracted from the PRODIMP.DAT file, the new individual files will be created and stored as ACT extension files, and the original file will be renamed to include the date and time this utility was run. 

Go into the Blending module to File / Open / Blend Ticket. At the Select a Blend Ticket window, highlight the Blend Ticket that is ready to load and select Read Blender, or choose Edit then Capture Blender. The program will automatically import the appropriate file for this Blend Ticket and will update Product quantities on the Blend Ticket to the actual amount used to blend the feed in the Repete/Sabre Feed system. The imported files will be renamed to have file extension of DNE and the Blend Ticket will automatically be marked as loaded.

Note: If the Blend Ticket contains a Product not in the imported file, the Edit a Blend Ticket window that appears during the import process will display in the DONE Quantity column for the Product in question, the original quantity displaying in red. This will need to be investigated and the Blend Ticket will need manually adjusted.    

Importing Blend Tickets Into Invoices

Agvance has the capability of substituting Grain Bank for Products using Manufacture Billing. If set up, Manuf Billing will be available on the Invoice. When this is selected, it will cause additional line items to be added to the Invoice, which will offset the grain-related Commodity line item and add a line item for the Grain Bank Product which causes the Customer Grain Bank account to be relieved. 

Choosing Manuf Billing on this Invoice caused line item 9 to be added to offset line 8 and line 10 was added with the Product that will relieve the Grain Bank in the Grain module.

If intending to automatically relieve Grain Bank when invoicing, there are additional setup steps required:

  1. Go to Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences and for each Location where invoicing will be done, check the option called Allow Manufactured Inventory Detailed Billing.
  2. From the same Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences window, the appropriate Price Level must be selected from the drop-down so the offsetting line items added on Invoices will be at the desired amount. (This Price Level setting most likely should be set to List.)

Because this functionality does not look at the Products exposed on the Invoice but instead looks at the Products set up in the formula for the exposed Product, some additional setup of Products is required.

  1. The Products being added are the ones that will show as the negative lines on the Invoice.
  2. Either add a Product for each Product to be substituted (i.e. Whole Corn, Cracked Corn, Rolled Corn, Flakes, Ground, etc.) or alternatively add only a single offset Product for each Commodity (Corn).

There are two downsides of only having one Product per Commodity:

  1. Only one Price Level may be set up to automatically come into the Invoice as the offset to the Product being substituted by Grain Bank (i.e. the automatically added price for the negative corn line will be the same whether the Product on the Invoice that Grain Bank is replacing is Cracked Corn or Flaked Corn).
  2. The Product name displayed on the Invoice for the offset will be the same whether it is substituting for Cracked Corn or Flaked Corn.

If neither of these issues is a concern, it is recommended to only add one offset Product per Commodity.

The offset Product will be set up much like the original Product. It should be in a non-inventoried department (probably the same department as the Product it is offsetting). It should be inventoried in the same unit of measure (i.e. likely pounds). It should have the same or similar Product Name (this will display on the Invoice on the offset lines).

The original Product (the one showing up on Plans and Blends and exposed on the Invoice when importing from Blends) will need a manufactured formula set up using the newly added offset Product as the raw Product in a 1:1 ratio and the formula set to relieve inventory at billing.   The original Product should also have the Commodity reference removed.

The offset Product should have the Commodity reference added.

Ongoing Management

It will be necessary to manage the Price Level for each of the offset Products to keep them current with the price set on the actual Products used in the formula. Otherwise, the pricing on the Invoice will need edited to get the prices on the original Product and the offset Product to match.

Use on the Invoice

When invoicing a Customer with Grain Bank, Manuf Billing must be selected to get the offsetting lines to populate on the Invoice. If there is no available Grain Bank, this will not affect the Invoice.