Popular Articles

  1. Using Sales Allocations

    Sales Allocations are designed to allocate a quantity of product at a specific price. Optionally, specific quantities can be assigned to selected sales staff members, so a limited supply of product can be tightly controlled. Adding a Sales Allocati...
  2. Route Overview and Settings - Apply

    Route Overview Access the Route Overview by selecting the Menu icon in the upper left corner of the window. On the map displaying assigned jobs in order of priority, select the Job number to display job details including the Crop , Cust...
  3. Editing & Reprinting Patron Checks

    Only the Check # and Check Date may be edited at File / Open / Edit a Patron's Check . If the net dollars or any other information is incorrect, the check must be voided and re-issued. Customer ID – The Customer ID represents t...
  4. Setting up Multiple Printer Trays

    Agvance users often have the need to print documents on a variety of pre-printed forms like invoice forms, checks, and statements, as well as plain paper. Laser printers with multiple trays can handle these forms, conveniently eliminating the need t...
  5. Activity Tab

    A summary of the last 10 most recent activities displays on the Activity tab in Customer. Different information is available depending on the transaction type. Select the transaction number to navigate to where that specific transaction resides in...
  6. Statement of Operations

    A statement of operations summarizes an organization's financial operations during a specified period. This report shows income and expenses as well as payment of earnings and additions to reserves. The Statement of Operations in Agvance is foun...
  7. Equal Billing Program

    Found at Equal Bills / Posting , this area is used to create a Budget Invoice for the tanks with the Equal Billing Info completed at File / Open / Tank Information on the Profile tab. Setup There are a few items needing a one-time setup pri...
  8. Settlement Deductions

    A Settlement Deduction is an adjustment reflected as a monetary deduction or addition on the Settlement paid to a customer. These are applied after priced adjustments are made. Common examples of Settlement Deductions are Commodity assessments or c...
  9.  Importing Electronic Delivery Notifications (EDNs)

    EDNs may be used on both Seed and Crop Protection Products. EDNs can also be imported using the SKY Warehouse app. The EDN Import allows Electronic Delivery Notifications to be imported into Purchase Receipts. The benefit of importing EDNs is...
  10. Grain Freight

    The following covers adding Grain Freight charges on multiple Grain documents and reconciling using the Reconcile Grain Freight utility. Setup Add Freight on Scale Tickets At Grain / Operations / Scale Tickets , add or edit a Scale Ticket. ...