Plans are displayed in a grid that operates much like an Excel spreadsheet. For more information on how the grid functions, see Using Grids in Agvance SKY. Select a Plan Name to view the Plan as information only.
Note: Plans must be enabled in SKY Admin before they can be viewed in SKY Order.
Search for Plans and scroll to the right to access columns giving the ability to:
- Visible in G360 – Select the current label to show or hide the Plan in Grower360.
- Status – Select the current label to change to Offered or Approved.
- Convert to Blend – This imports the Plan into a Blend Ticket, retaining all the Plan properties. This column indicates if the Plan has been converted to a Blend. Select the Converted to label to see the Blend Tickets or Bookings converted from the Plan. Selecting the Ticket # navigates to that Blend/Booking in Order. To batch convert Plans to Blends, select individual or all Plans. Choose the Ellipsis on the search bar to Convert to Blend.
- Edit Plan – Edit multiple areas of the Plan.
- View PDF – Select to view a PDF copy of the Plan details in a new tab which can then optionally be downloaded or printed.
- Delete – Select to permanently remove the Plan. Once deleted, a Plan cannot be recovered.
Note: These columns can be reordered within the grid, placing them where they are most convenient as described in Using Grids in Agvance SKY.
A new Plan can be added by selecting the blue + Add Plan button in the lower right-hand corner. Use the navigation on the left to move to different sections of the Plan.
- Indicate the Location from the drop-down.
- Optionally select a template from the Template drop-down.
Note: If adding a Plan from a Template, some Product information will default into the Plan.
- Select + Add Field. A grid of Fields displays. Use the Search field to find the specific Field or scroll through the list. A maximum of 50 Fields can be added to a Plan.
- The Filters button to the far right of the Search bar can be used to narrow down the list of Fields. The Show Selected button displays only Fields that have been checked for the Plan.
- Check the Field(s) for the Plan, then choose Select & Close.
- Fields can be removed by selecting the Delete icon.
- The Amount and Unit of Measure default but can be changed if needed. Additionally, a Ship To can be selected from the drop-down on the first Customer if applicable. Ship Tos must first be set up on the Customer's file.
- If needed, adjust the split percentages if there are multiple Customers on the Field(s).
Order Details
- Enter the Plan Name.
- The Salesperson defaults depending on the setting selected in SKY Admin under Order but can be adjusted. More information on this setting can be found here.
- Optionally enter brief Billing Comments that will be displayed to the Customer.
- The Crop, Crop Chemistry, and Placement drop-downs are all optional but can be helpful if this information is known.
- Indicate the Product Set from the drop-down.
- Under the Price By drop-down, choose to price by Products, Blended Analysis, or Guaranteed Analysis.
- The Requested Date and Priority are optional.
- If applicable, check VRT, Custom Applied, and/or Ready.
Note: Checking Ready indicates the Plan is ready in Dispatch.
- Indicate if formulating by Lbs of Plant Food or Guaranteed Analysis. If choosing Guaranteed Analysis, enter the Lbs of Analysis.
- Select the appropriate Optimize By option from the drop-down.
- Enter requested nutrients in the Ordered area.
- Select Formulate then review the Calculated Analysis. To redo the formulation, select Clear Formulation and re-enter the correct values.
- Additional Products can be added by selecting + Add Product. See the Add Products Manually section below for more details.
- The Products display in a grid below.
Add Products Manually
- Select + Add Product.
- A grid of Products displays. Use the Search field to find the appropriate Product(s) or scroll through the list.
- The Filters button to the far right of the Search bar can be used to narrow down the list of Products. The Show Selected button displays only Products that have been checked for the Plan.
- In the Products section of the Sales Order, indicate the Quantity for each Product.
- Products can be reordered by selecting the grid of dots on the left and dragging to the appropriate position.
- Choose + Duplicate to add another line of that Product.
- The Delete icon can be selected to remove a Product line.
Product Grid
- Choosing a Ship From Location above the grid applies to all Products. The Ship From Location can also be indicated on each Product line item. Once a Ship From Location is selected, the Ship From Department drop-down becomes available.
- Under the Calculate By column, choose Rate/Unit, Total Product, or Blended.
- Enter the Calculate By Amount for each Product then select Recalculate.
- The Exclude from Mix File option can be selected for products that should not be sent to the automated blender. If the VRT checkbox was selected in the Order Details section, the Mix Group can be edited to indicate what should and should not be blended together.
- If applicable, a Lot Number can be selected from the drop-down.
Note: Only existing Lot Numbers can be selected. - To add another line of the same Product, choose + Duplicate.
- The Delete icon can be selected to remove a Product line item.
- Review the totals below the Products grid.
- To recalculate the Plan accommodating for water, filler, or carriers, choose an Adjust By option which is based on the Product Set selected for the Plan. Enter the Amount then select Adjust to update the Plan. Use the Carrier checkbox in the grid to identify which Product is the carrier.
Note: Quoting a Plan will carry the pricing from the Plan to the Invoice.
Single Field
- For each Customer, choose the Lock Prices option (Offered, Analysis Offered, Quoted, Analysis Quoted, Do Not Lock).
- Under Price ($)/Unit, select the Price Level from the drop-down. Alternately, enter a custom price then choose + Add.
Multiple Fields
- A message is displayed in the Pricing section stating Pricing for each field will be handled in the next step. Choose Save and Add Pricing.
- The first Field displays with Batch and Individual Ticket Quantities available for review.
- The first Customer on the Field is listed below the Batch and Individual Ticket Quantities. Here, the Fert$/Tons, Lock Prices, and Price ($)/Unit can be indicated. Optionally Apply pricing to all Customers on this Field. The Same Customer pricing for this and remaining fields option is available for all Customers on the Field. If Permits or Tech Licenses are required on the order, they can be indicated at the bottom of the screen.
Note: The Apply pricing to all Customers on this Field and the Same Customer pricing for this and remaining fields options cannot be used at the same time. - Choose Cancel Remaining to cancels the transaction completely and return to the Plans page. Move to the next Field without editing pricing by selecting Skip Pricing for this Field. No Plan is saved for that Field. To save pricing here and move to the next Field, choose Save & Next Field. This saves the Plan for that Field.
Note: Separate Plans are saved per Field rather than having a multi-Field Plan. - On the last Field, Save & Next Field changes to Save & Close. This saves pricing on the current Field and finalizes the Plan with pricing saved on previous Fields in the Order. If Skip Pricing for this Field is selected on the last Field, pricing is saved on previous Fields where Save & Next Field was selected, and the last Field is not included in the Plan.
- Enter any Blend or Additional Comments.
Note: Additional Comments are only visible to internal Users. - Target Pests can be selected from the drop-down.
- The Plan can be saved by selecting Create Order. However, Permits and Tech Licenses can be added on the Additional Info tab.
Additional Info
- If only one applicable permit exists, it will be automatically selected. If the Customer has more than one applicable permit, select the appropriate one from the drop-down.
Edit a Plan
To edit a Plan, select find the Edit column and choose Edit for that Plan.
- Under Order Details, update any information except for the Location.
The following are available for editing in this section:- Salesperson
- Plan Name
- Crop
- Crop Chemistry
- Start Date
- End Date
- Approved
- Visible in Grower360
- Blend Comments
- Placement
- Custom Applied/VRT
- Application Details comments
- Target Pests
- Product Set
- Price By
- Additional Comments
- Billing Notes
- Area
- In the Products section, add/remove products manually or via formulation.
The following are available for editing in this section:- Formulate By
- Lbs of Analysis
(if Guaranteed Analysis is selected) - Product Set
- Optimize By
- All quantities
- Pricing
- Carrier
- Exclude from Mix File
- Adjust by
- Lock Price options
- Fert $/UOM
- Lock Prices
- Once all edits are complete, select Save Plan.