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  1. End of Month

  2. Fiscal Year Ended with Incorrect Amount on Hand

    The customer’s accountant should at least be made aware of the situation, and may want to be involved in this process. Look at the Average Cost of that product in both fiscal years. If the Amount On Hand was wrong, it is possible that the cost was...
  3. End of Year FAQs

    Q: Should I delete products / customers / vendors before or after ending the year? A: If you are not paying Patronage, they may be deleted after ending the year. This allows the old data to retain these data elements in case they need to be ref...
  4. Front Office Accounting End of Month Checklist

    Agvance assumes there are 12 fiscal months within the fiscal year. The end of month process saves the balances (Customers, Vendors, G/L Accounts, Inventory Products, etc.), and increments the fiscal month counter. It sets important data markers and ...
  5. EOY G/L Budget Options

    No Budget Options If nothing is checked, then all budget options – Current Budget , Forecast , Next Year Budget – will transfer to the new year unchanged. New year’s budget numbers will be as follows: Current Budget = prior ...
  6. End of Fiscal Year

    Overview Before ending the fiscal year, it is best to deposit as many of the outstanding entries in the Make a Deposit screen as possible. Ideally, the window would be empty for the start of the new year. If outstanding items remain, Agvance br...
  7. Post Inventory to GL - Accrue Estimated Payables for Purchase Receipt

    Costing Method Transactional or Summarized Accrue Estimated Payable Company Owned Calculation Estimated Average Cost T Y Not reduced by PRs Estimated Average Cost S Y Not reduced...
  8. Seed Bill To Ship To on a Delivery Ticket

    Optionally include the Bag Size and Total LBS on the Delivery Ticket printout. To include the size of the bag and the total pounds on the Delivery Ticket printout, the  Format must be set to  Seed Bill to/Ship to at  Accounting / Setup / Loca...
  9. Delivery Tickets

  10. Post Gallons as GL Posting Unit on the Department

    To convert units of measure from another standard unit of measure for tracking in the General Ledger, the Unit Weight and Product Density must be entered on the Product. The Unit Weight is entered on the Profile tab at File / Open / Produc...