Grain Scale Reports

Grain Scale reports are found at Hub / Utilities / Agvance Grain Scale Interface / Reports / Pre-Transfer Reports.

Inbound Scale Tickets

This report shows Grade Factors and split information on the Scale Ticket before transferring the Scale Tickets to the Agvance Grain module.

  • Select Scale Interface Tickets – This defaults to All Scale Interface Tickets, but optionally choose Select to select Scale Tickets for the report.
  • Select Commodities – All Commodities are included on the report, or optionally choose Select to select specific Commodities of the Scale Tickets to be included.
  • Select Locations – Choose Select to specify the Location of the Scale Tickets for the report. The default is All.
  • Include Split Information – If Customer split information from the Scale Ticket should be included on the report, select this option.
  • GF 1-5 – Select the Grade Factors to be included on the report. The Grade Factors and their results print on the report.

Outbound Scale Tickets

This report shows basic information on the shipments before transferring the Scale Tickets to the Agvance Grain module.

  • Select Scale Interface Tickets – This defaults to include All Scale Interface Tickets on the report. Optionally choose Select to choose specific Scale Tickets for the report.
  • Select Commodities – Optionally choose Select to choose the Commodity of the Scale Tickets for the report. The default is All.
  • Select Locations – Specific Locations may be selected for the report by choosing Select to filter the Scale Tickets. All Locations default.

End of Day Report

This report shows information from the Scale Tickets, both transferred and not transferred, that fall within the selected date range. The report has an Inbound and Outbound section, which is grouped by Commodity/Location, and includes the Ticket Number, Ticket Date, Commodity, and Gross Units. There is Commodity/Location totaling of the Gross Units.

  • Select Commodities – Optionally choose Select to choose the Commodity of the Scale Tickets for the report. The default is All.
  • Select Locations – Specific Locations may be chosen for the report by choosing Select. All Locations default.
  • Scale Ticket Start Date – Enter the beginning date for the Scale Tickets.
  • Scale Ticket End Date – Enter the ending date for the range of Scale Tickets.