Energy Force / Agvance Tank Transfer Procedure

To avoid duplication errors in Agvance, utilize the following procedures to transfer Company and Customer Owned Tanks.

Customer Owned Tanks (Co Owns = No)

  1. Open Agvance Energy to select the tank to be transferred in Energy Force by choosing the yellow file folder then Tank Information.  Select the customer and choose Edit.
  2. Modify the Serial # on the tank by inserting an X in front of the current number.
  3. Save the tank.
  4. In Energy Force, navigate to Customer Menu / Customer Maintenance and select the customer. On the Tank Information screen choose Transfer Customer Tank to transfer the tank to a new customer account.
  5. Navigate to Posting Menu / Daily Clear and select Daily Tank Export.  Select No when prompted.  
  6. Import the tank file into Agvance by selecting Transfers / Import / Energy Force / Daily Tank.  This will inactivate the original tank and generate a new tank for the customer receiving the transferred tank.
    Note: Budget Billing Tanks will not be set to Inactive upon importing from Energy Force.

Company Owned Tanks (Co Owns = Y)

  1. Transfer the tank to the new customer account in Energy Force by first navigating to Customer Menu / Customer Maintenance and select the customer. 
  2. On the Tank Information screen choose Change Inv Status then the CT (Customer Transfer action) option to transfer the tank to a new customer account. Select Process.
  3. On the TANK Trans to another customer window, double click in the New Customer field to select the new customer then choose Select.
  4. Provide the appropriate tank information and Delivery Instructions then choose Process.
  5. Navigate to Posting Menu / Daily Clear and select Daily Tank Export.  Select No when prompted.  
  6. Import the tank file into Agvance by selecting Transfers / Import / Energy Force / Daily Tank.  This will inactivate the original tank and generate a new tank for the customer receiving the transferred tank.
    Note: Budget Billing Tanks will not be set to Inactive upon importing from Energy Force.