The Manage Mobile Energy window can be found by going to Energy / Setup / Mobile Energy.
Setup Tab
- IP Address – This is the IP address of the computer which holds the Agvance database. This must be an external IP Address.
- Port Number – This is the port number that is open on the data server to allow communication outside the network. Additional firewall ports may need to be opened as well.
- Instance Name – This is the name of the SQL server that holds the Agvance database. If there is a named instance of SQL, this should be that named instance.
- Product – AME will sync any product on a tank. Additional products can also be synched by linking them the product classifications selected here.
- Customer – Customers who do not have tanks can be synced with AME by linking them to a customer classification set here. Those customers would be available for adding a payment by choosing Add Payment.
- Additional comment to print on inspection checklist – Any message typed into the Additional comment to print on inspection checklist field will print between the checklist items and the driver signature line.
- Tank – Tanks tied to the specified tank classification can be used for Intercompany Transfers.
- Allow metered product to be replaced on a Void/Rebill – Checking this box gives drivers the ability to void and rebill deliveries prior to syncing tickets back.
- Product / Cross Reference
- Agvance <Product Name> – select each product that could be considered a sales product to be delivered off the truck. This is for products that have the same inventory product but multiple instances for sales purposes such as LP for Home Heat and LP for ag use.
- Cross Reference <Product Name> – This is the inventoried product that will be actually loaded into the truck compartment.
- Question – Any item that needs to be included on the inspection checklist should be added into the Question area.
- Add Row – Select Add Row to add items into the Question list.
Drivers Tab
- User ID – Populated from the list of Agvance users.
- Driver ID – Populated from Hub / Setup / Applicators.
- Next Ticket # – Starting ticket number range for this driver.
- Overwrite Ticket # – Checking the box will force the ticket numbering to start back with the Next Ticket #.
- Next Payment # – Starting payment number for this driver.
- Overwrite Next Payment # – Checking the box will force the payment numbering to start back over with the Next Payment #.
- Require Truck Ticket Signature – Drivers with this option set will be required to capture the customer signature upon delivery.
- Require Receipt Signature – Drivers with this option set will be required to capture the customer signature upon posting a payment.
- Require Inspection Checklist Signature – Drivers with this option set will be required to capture a signature upon completing an inspection sheet.
- Hide Inspection Pass Checkbox – Drivers with this option set will find checkmarks populated for all items in the inspection checklist. Drivers will have the opportunity to mark items as Fail as needed.
Sync Log
- User ID – Filter sync log by driver to show each time the sync process was attempted.
Inspection Checklist
Inspection checklists that are sent back during the sync process can be viewed based on User ID and date range parameters.