Custom App Sheet Formats

Designate the format when printing Custom App Sheets.

When printing a Blend Ticket select the Individual, Individual Regulatory, Combined, or Combined Gridded Format within the Custom App Options section of the Print Blend Documents Ticket window.

Individual Regulatory

This format prints a full two-page form for each field on the Blend Ticket. This format includes all known regulatory application record keeping requirements and is the most detailed and complete format offered for custom application records. When selecting the Individual Regulatory format, the printed Custom App Sheet includes lines for multiple Applicators and Vehicle information, as well as Dicamba-specific verbiage information if a Product on the ticket is included in the Dicamba Product Classification selected at Setup / Location Preferences / Custom App Sheet.


This format provides a detailed single page report for each Field that is included on the Blend Ticket. For example, if a multi-Field Blend Ticket is created, a single page will print for each Field. For a single Field, a single page will print for the only Field on the ticket. This format is detailed and a single page but may not include all the latest regulatory items.


This format provides a less detailed single page application report. If multiple Fields are on the Blend Ticket, each of the Fields on the ticket are listed in the Field Information section at the bottom of the page. This is a single-page report and will only extend to a second page if required by the number of Fields on the ticket. This format does not include the detail for specific conditions and items to be listed for the Fields and is a more generic and basic report.

Combined Gridded

This format is identical to the Combined format except for the map. This format alternatively prints a grid for a hand-drawn map or instructions to be inserted. This could be used when there are not Field boundaries in Agvance Mapping or simply prefer to hand draw the map or instructions.