Tools - Warehouse

Indicate favorite products, customers and locations by selecting Tools in the Warehouse app. Selecting Container Activity navigates to the Contain app where refillable container activity is recorded.

Favorite Products

Create a list of Favorite Products in Warehouse. 

To add a product to the Favorite Products list, use the Search bar to locate the product. Selecting the product adds it to the Favorite Products list.

To remove a product from the list, select Delete and the Favorite Products list is automatically updated.

These products are then available by using the Star icon on any Product Selection window throughout the app. Favorites added are only available to the user who added them.

Favorite Customers

Create a list of Favorite Customers in Warehouse. 

To add a customer to the Favorite Customers list, use the Search bar to locate the customer. Selecting the customer adds them to the Favorite Customers list.

To remove a customer from the list, select Delete and the Favorite Customers list is automatically updated.

These customers are then available by using the Star icon on any Customer Selection window throughout the app. Favorites added are only available to the user who added them.

Favorite Locations

Create a list of Favorite Locations in Warehouse. 

To add a Location to the Favorite Locations list, use the Search bar to find the Location. Selecting the Location adds them to the Favorite Locations list.

To remove a Location from the list, select Delete and the Favorite Locations list is automatically updated.

These Locations are then available by selecting the Star icon. Favorites added are only available to the user adding them.