Updated Articles

  1. Supplier eLink Setup Guide

    Supplier e-Link provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers who have followed industry-driven standards and guidelines for this type of e-commerce communication. These web services make it easi...
  2. Using the DICKEY-john GAC2500 Moisture Tester in the Scale Interface

    The DICKEY-john GAC2500 Moisture Tester has ability to communicate with the Scale Ticket Interface through the PC’s COM port. The Scale Interface will read in the moisture and test weight values from the DICKEY-john GAC2500 Moisture Tester. ...
  3. Company Preferences

    General Login Using Windows User – This logs users into Agvance automatically based on their Windows login account. Once this option is checked, the Windows Login ID field must be filled out for users at Hub / Setup...
  4. Consumer Portal Management Tool - SKY Admin

    SKY Admins have access to the Consumer Portal Management Tool featuring the Online Payments Page found under Consumer Portal in SKY Admin. Select SETUP on the Online Payments card to view Consumer Portal Merchant IDs and quickly access ...
  5. Establishing Users

    Found at Hub / Setup / Users , adding users and assigning them to a role is the next step. In addition to the role restrictions, several security-related restrictions may be added at the user level. These include restrictions to certain general led...
  6. Accounting Preferences

    The Preference area allows several options to be set and therefore customize, to a degree, the way the program works. Quite often, these default settings may be overridden as transactions are being entered. Note: These preference settings are...
  7. Credit Checking

    Populating the Date Opened field on the Credit tab of the Customer file activates the Credit Checking feature for the customer. This must also be set for the Hold Credit Status to work, as well as for the % of Limit and credit checking b...
  8. RFID

    Setup for RFID Readers , Preferences , and Toggle RFID/Pit Validation can be found at Agvance Grain Scale Interface / Setup / RFID . Readers The Location , Scale , Reader , and Reader URL for each reader must be entered s...
  9. Bank Deposit at End of Fiscal Year

    Before ending the fiscal year, it is best to deposit as many of the outstanding entries in the Make a Deposit screen as possible. Ideally, the window would be empty for the start of the new year. If outstanding items remain, Agvance brings entri...
  10. Make a Deposit

    Overview Agvance is designed to post payments received from customers to a holding account other than checking often called Cash on Hand or Undeposited Cash . This holding account accumulates the incoming money (paid on account, cash...