Transfer to Field History Process

Post loaded Blend Tickets, By Field Delivery Tickets, and By Field Invoices to Field History.

  1. Navigate to Hub / Utilities / Transfer to Field History.
  2. Select the Transfer option for Invoices, Blend Tickets, and/or Delivery Tickets. Invoiced Blend Tickets and Delivery Tickets are transferred by default if checked for transfer.
    Note: The Include Non-Invoiced option should not be used without contacting SSI. If checked, loaded but not yet invoiced transactions will be transferred. 
  3. Choose the Location from which the transactions should be transferred.
    Note: It is recommended to transfer the information one location at a time. 
  4. Select the Invoice and/or Ticket ranges and choose OK
  5. A message displays indicating the transfer is complete and the selected items were transferred to Field History. Choose OK then close the Transfer to Field History window.
    Note: Transactions posted to Field History are marked so they cannot be edited or posted to Field History again.