April 2024 SKY Release Notes


  • SKYW-3834 / Grain Bank Statement Report – The Grain Bank Statement report can now be enabled in SKY Admin under Grower360 / Grain / Grain Reports for STLM Grain companies.
  • SKYW-3800 / Agvance ACH Payments Grower360 – Turning on ACH Payments under the setup for Online Payments in Grower360 gives options of processing those payments with Agvance or Heartland. More information can be found here.


  • AN-2278 / Energy Force Contract/Dollars Remaining Dashboard – The EF Contract Total Dollars/Gallons dashboard can be used to determine how many gallons and dollars are remaining on Customer Contracts.
  • AN-2472 / EF Route Compliance Dashboard – The Route Compliance dashboard can be used to see the compliance percentage of what tanks by route were delivered to based on the Optimizer schedules so it can be quickly determined which routes fall under an accepted compliance threshold.
  • AN-2470 / EF Multiday Scheduled Customers Dashboard – The EF Multiday Scheduled dashboard can be used to see routes impacted by non-compliant tanks that result in poor schedule efficiencies so appropriate action can be taken before a problem gets out of hand.


  • SKYW-3816 / Field Name and Crop ColumnsField Name and Crop have been added as columns on the Blends page in SKY Customer. If more than one Field exists on a Blend, the first Field is listed in the grid and the rest of the Fields can be seen by hovering over the tooltip in the Field or Field Name columns.
  • SKYW-3575 / Blends Filters – Filter Blend Tickets in SKY Customer by Crop, Status, and/or Date Range.


Version 4.08


  • HW-11114 / Application/Planting Import – Importing Application data and creating an Event work as expected. 
  • HW-11095 / Loadsheet Report – Locating Non-Field Feature locations using the QR code works as expected.
  • HW-11155 / Event Planting – All Variety surface polygons fall within the surface polygon for the Equipment to which they belong. Additionally, the Planting Summary report displays Planted Acres when Events have multiple Equipment profiles as expected.
  • HW-11240 / Import Sampling – The Sampling Import process has been optimized.
  • HW-11278 / Import Application/Planting Rounding – Rounding rules for imported Application and Planting Events were updated and are used everywhere these values display and reports. These rules are based on the Average Product Mix Rate for Application and Average Seeding Rate for Planting. The rounding rules are as follows: <50 - 2 decimals, ≥50 and <100 - 1 decimal, ≥100 - whole number.
  • HW-11283 / Login New Password Prompts – Logging in works as expected.
  • HW-11298 / Sampling Grid Movement – The Sampling Grid can be moved as expected.


  • HW-9520 / Sampling Results Display – Opening and closing a Sampling Event works as expected.
  • HW-11058 / Sampling Assign Sample ID on Collect – An improvement was made to mobile Sampling with a new setting in the Sampling section called Assign Sample ID on Collect. This gives the ability to have Sample IDs assigned post-collection at the planned locations. Users are prompted to omit uncollected points upon saving or canceling and add them as necessary. Batch Sampling is also supported.
  • HW-11264 / Batch Sampling – Batch Sampling Events works as expected.

Version 4.07


  • HW-11245 / Non-Field Feature Grower Name – A Grower and Customer label were added below the Type on the pop-up for Non-Field Features indicating to which Customer the Non-Field Feature belongs when selecting them on the map.
  • HW-11277 / Sampling - Spatial Auto Import – The automated sampling import works as expected.


  • HW-9485 / Layers – Layer names display as expected.
  • HW-9896 / Imported Events Edit – Information that should not be edited has been set to read-only.
  • HW-10986 / Selected Field Count and Area Stat – A new window has been added that displays for all batch workflows (Event, Rec, and Reports) on a selection of Fields showing the number of Fields and total acres. Additionally, the General Info header area for batch Events and Rec workflows now displays the number of Fields and the sum of acres.
  • HW-11042 / Offline Layers – All Event, Rec, and Analysis Layer Types display offline as expected.
  • HW-11045 / Non-Field-Feature Entrance Directions – Improvements were made to directions using the Non-Field Feature Entrance feature so directions are more accurate.

Version 4.06


  • HW-10635 / Event Recs Batch – Creating Events and Recs and Batch Copying more than 600 Sampling Events works as expected.
  • HW-10659 / Equation Rec Batch – Normalized Yield support was implemented for Batch Equation Recs when the selected Fields within the batch share the same Analysis Layer. Normalized Yield Analysis Layers can be created in a batch without having to create Equation Recs one Field at a time when using a Batch Equation Rec.
  • HW-11060 / Setup Nutrient Targets – A few new items have been added:
    • A new Water Sample Type was added to the Nutrient Targets Setup page.
    • Critical and Severe textboxes were added to the Nutrient Targets Setup page.
    • A new optional drop-down was added to the left of the Sample Type drop-down called Irrigation Category with options of Sprinkler and Surface.
  • HW-11071 / Loadsheet Report – The Loadsheet report works as expected.
  • HW-11158 / EC Data – The Points surfaces for EC Data display in Layers and Split Screen Compare as expected.
  • HW-11231 / Equation Rec Min Rate Set – Equation Rec works as expected.
  • HW-11257 / Yield by Analysis Report – The Yield by Analysis report works as expected.


  • HW-9829 / Application Event/Rec – Apostrophes can be added to a Mix or Blend name as expected.
  • HW-10036 / Sampling – Canceling a newly added Sampling Copy Event works as expected.
  • HW-10889 / Export Boundary and Points – It is now possible to export and send zipped Field boundaries and sample points for importing into SKY Mapping. Additionally, a new context menu option was added to the Field profile called Export Boundary which is enabled when the app is online. Files can be shared by email and other methods.
  • HW-11022 / Sampling Multiple Device – Improvements were made to the Scan Code ID textbox and collection Status so multiple devices can be used on the same Event as expected.


  • SV-8, 1186 / AP Bill Approvals and Drafts – Send AP Bills through an approval process and save Bills as drafts to return to later. For more information, see here.