PMR Export

Agvance Version 7.0.25080 or above must be installed to have access to this PMR export.

The PMR export is available at Accounting / Transfers / Export

Setup Tab

Files will be transferred via a web service. The web service has limitations of 200 Invoices per call. If there are more than 200 Invoices, it will require an additional web service call.

Export Tab

  • Document ID – Defaults as 0000000001 and does not need to be changed.
  • Save File Locally – Set the path where the file should be written, and designate the name of the file with an extension of .xml.
    Note: A file cannot be saved locally and sent via the web service at the same time.
  • Customer Address– Select which address to send to for the customer being invoiced.
    • Main – This is the address set up on the Profile tab of the customer.
    • Bill-To – This is the Bill-To address found by selecting the Addresses button of the customer profile.
    • Ship-To – This is the Ship-To address found by selecting the Addresses button of the customer profile.
  • Unmark Transferred – When this is selected, a range of Invoice dates or Invoice numbers and individual line items on the Invoice may be unmarked as transferred and will be available to transfer again.

If one of the following program errors occur, it may be because the TranTime in the Invoice table is formatted incorrectly. Contact SSI Support for assistance with this error.