Supplier eLink Setup Guide

Supplier e-Link provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers who have followed industry-driven standards and guidelines for this type of e-commerce communication. These web services make it easier to report the sale and receipt of products by allowing product attributes and delivery notifications to be imported and Invoice information for specific program stewardship requirements to be exported.

Note: Agvance refers to suppliers as Vendors. Throughout this document, any reference to a supplier is considered a vendor within Agvance.


To use the web services, the B2B (Business to Business) Setup must be installed and set up as a shortcut on the machine using the web services. Agvance Accounting must also be installed and activated on the machine running the B2B Setup.

Creating the B2B Setup Shortcut

The B2B Setup program is used to complete the necessary communication configuration for the web services, such as the web URLs and cross-referencing information.

  1. Right-click on the desktop and choose New / Shortcut.
  2. In the Create Shortcut window, select Browse. Find the B2BConfg.exe file inside the Agvance Program Files and choose Next.
  3. In the Select a Title for the Program window, name the shortcut B2B Setup, and select Finish. After creating the shortcut, edit the new icon Properties, and change the Start In path to point to the Agvance data directory.

The B2B Setup shortcut is used after some initial setup within Agvance has been completed.

Attributes and Classifications

Attributes allow specific characteristics to be added to a product, customer, supplier, etc. These must be created before using the supplier web services in Agvance. Classifications allow like items, such as seed products, to be grouped and must be created before using the supplier web services in Agvance

Setting Up the Product Attribute

  1. In the Agvance Hub, select Setup / Company Preferences. On the Product tab, select Product Attributes.
  2. On the Select a Product Attribute window, choose Add to add product attributes with the names UOM and Product UPC. Do not enter a Maximum Length and leave the Disallow Duplicates and Required options unchecked. These attributes are used to store the manufacturer’s unit of measure and the reporting UPC for the product.
    Note: If utilizing Crop Protection connectivity, an attribute of Winfield ID must also be added.

Setting Up the Product Classification

  1. Add a product classification to group the web service products. When exporting Invoices through Agvance, select this classification of products to be included in the export.
  2. In the Agvance Hub, select Setup / Company Preferences. On the Product tab, select Product Classifications.
  3. On the Product Classification Setup window, choose Add to add a new product classification.
  4. On the Add Product Classification window, type the name of the classification in the Name field. Add the list of products to include in this classification by double-clicking on the Product Name heading and selecting products from the Select Products window. Repeat this process for any supplier utilizing web services.

Setting Up Customer Attributes

  1. In the Agvance Hub, select Setup / Company Preferences. On the Customer tab, choose Customer Attributes.
  2. Using the Add an Attribute window, add an attribute named GLN with no Maximum Length.
  3. When setting up the My Dealer Bucket customer’s GLN, add the below values for the appropriate Supplier’s Dealer Bucket:
    Supplier Dealer Bucket GLN Value
    Bayer 1100064726737
    Winfield 1100071465179
    Corteva 1100072805042
    Syngenta 1100074871328

Setting Up Vendor Attributes

  1. In Agvance Accounting, select Setup / Preferences. On the A/P tab, choose Vendor Attributes.
  2. Using the Add an Attribute window, add an attribute called AGIIS-EBID with no Maximum Length. A company’s EBID number (eBusiness Identification Number) is their identification number in the industry.
    Note: If using EDNs with Corteva and Syngenta, an attribute named EDN AGIIS-EBID must be created.

Adding Attribute Values for Suppliers

  1. Navigate to Accounting / File / Open / Vendors and edit the supplier in Agvance that is providing the web service.
  2. On the Profile tab, select Attributes to add the supplier’s EBID number in the Attribute Value column for the AGIIS-EBID attribute. Suppliers may require two attributes to be set up depending on the type of messages that will be communicated. The following table displays the EBID numbers for Bayer CropScience, Winfield, Syngenta, and Corteva.
    Supplier EBIDNumber
    Bayer CropScience 0062668030000
    Winfield 0034500002851
    Syngenta (Grower Orders) 1100027632105
    Corteva (Grower Orders) 0662974000068
    Syngenta (EDNs) 0069624270000
    Corteva (EDNs) 006941363


Cross-Reference in B2B


To use the web services, the attributes created in Agvance must be cross-referenced to the correct attribute in the web service.

  1. Open the B2B Setup shortcut and sign in using the necessary Agvance credentials.
  2. Choose Setup / E-Business.
  3. In the Product Cross References grid, select the correct Code Type on the left and the corresponding Attribute on the right side of the grid.
    Note: If utilizing Crop Protection connectivity, the AssignedBySeller Code Type must have a Product Attribute of Winfield ID.
  4. In the Customer Cross References grid, select GLN as the Code Type and the corresponding Attribute that contains the GLN.
  5. In the Vendor Cross References grid, select AGIIS-EBID as the Code Type and the corresponding Vendor Attribute containing the EBID.
  6. In the Locations grid, enter the Location, Code Type, and Value fields. This allows multiple locations to report sales to the manufacturer by location. If only one location is reporting sales, only one Location and Value is completed. The Value is the location’s IC Code or EBID and can be obtained from SSI or the supplier if it is not already entered at Accounting / Setup / Locations.
  7. Select Default Code Types for the Product, Vendor, and Customer. Select AGIIS-ProductID for the Product, AGIIS-EBID for the Vendor, and GLN for the Customer.
  8. Select the attribute UOM as the Product Unit of Measure.
  9. Enter the correct seed year in the Seed Year field.

(EDN) Import

  1. From the B2B Setup, choose Setup / Electronic Delivery Notification (EDN).
  2. In the Setup EDN window, select the appropriate Vendor and enter the URL for the EDN web service.
  3. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information for the EDN web service.
  4. Enter 5.0 or 5.3 in the Wsdl Version depending on the supplier. The following information should be used for the corresponding web service:
    • Bayer CropScience: (Seed only)
      • Vendor Attribute: AGIIS-EBID
      • Version: 5.0
    • Winfield: (Crop Protection Products and Seed)
      • Vendor Attribute: AGIIS-EBID
      • Version: 5.3
    • Syngenta: (Seed Only)
      • Vendor Attribute: EDN AGIIS-EBID
      • Version: 5.0
      • Username: TPINFXP100
      • Password: welcome1!
    • Corteva: (Seed Only)
      • Vendor Attribute: EDN AGIIS-EBID
      • Version: 5.0

Seed Order Management

  1. From the B2B Setup, select Setup / Seed Orders.
  2. In the Setup Seed Orders window, select the appropriate Vendor and type in the URL for each of the web services.
  3. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information for the seed order web services.
  4. Select the appropriate supplier in the Version column. The following URLs may be used for the corresponding web service:
    • Bayer CropScience –
      • Grower Order Web Service , Customer Order Summary Web Service, Product Availability List Web Service, GChange Log Web Service, Farm Manager Web Service, Grower Order Reconciliation
    • Corteva –
      • Grower Order Web Service, Customer Order Summary Web Service, Product Availability List Web Service, GChange Log Web Service, Farm Manager Web Service, Grower Order Reconciliation
      • The Include Change Amount option must be selected for each Corteva line item.
    • Syngenta – The Alternate Login checkbox must be selected for each Syngenta line item.
      • Message URL
        Grower Order Web Service
        Product Availability List
        Customer Order Summary
        Grower Order Reconciliation
        Change Log
    • Winfield –
      • Below the grid, select the product classification for the Reconcile Classification. Any seed products that may be ordered electronically via Grower Orders should be included in this classification.

Electronic Price Sheet Import

  1. Choose Setup / Price Sheet.
  2. In the Setup Price Sheet window, select the appropriate Vendor and enter the URL for the Price Sheet web service.
  3. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information for the Price Sheet web service (this information is provided by the supplier). The following URLs may be used for the corresponding web service:
    • Bayer CropScience:
    • Winfield:
    • Corteva:

Cost Sheet

  1. From the B2B Setup, select Setup / Price Sheet.
  2. In the Setup Price Sheet window, select the appropriate Vendor and type in the URL for each of the web services.
  3. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information. The Code Type should be set to AssignedBySeller. The following URL may be used for Winfield for the corresponding web service:

Purchase Order

  1. From the B2B Setup, select Setup / Purchase Order.
  2. In the Setup Purchase Order window, select the appropriate Vendor.
  3. Enter the following URL in the Web Service URL field to send Purchase Orders to Winfield:
  4. Enter the following URL in the FTP Site URL to receive the responses from Winfield:
  5. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information. The Code Type should be set to AssignedBySeller.

(GPOS) Export

  1. Within the B2B icon, navigate to Setup / Grower Point of Sale (GPOS).
  2. In the Setup Grower Point of Sale window, select the appropriate Vendor and enter the URL for the GPOS web service.
  3. Double-click in the Logins column to enter the login information for the GPOS web service (this information is provided by the supplier).
  4. Enter 5.0 in the Version column. The following URL may be used for the corresponding web service:
    Bayer CropScience:
  5. Optionally select Export Split Details to send each split on the Invoice. If not selected, the entire quantity is sent for the first customer on the Invoice who has a GLN.