Supplier eLink B2B GPOS Export Setup

Supplier eLink provides the ability to export Grower Point of Sale (GPOS) information to connected suppliers. Currently, Bayer is the only supplier to offer GPOS web services.

B2B setup and login information are required to utilize the web service.

  1. Within B2B Setup, navigate to Setup / Grower Point of Sale (GPOS).
  2. In the Setup Grower Point of Sale window, double-click the Vendor heading to choose the appropriate Vendor and select Done.
  3. Enter in the Web Service URL column.
    • Double-click in the Logins column to select the Agv. User and enter the login information for each User accessing the GPOS web service.
      Note: The login information is provided by the supplier.
    • Optionally, select Export Split Details to transmit each split on the Invoice. If not selected, the total quantity of Product is submitted on behalf of the first Customer on the Invoice who has a GLN in the Customer master file.
    • Enter 5.0 in the Version column.
    • Select Save.