Read Blender

This feature, found by choosing Read Blender on the Select a Blend Ticket window or by editing a ticket and selecting Capture Blender, automates the editing of a ticket to actual product loaded when interfaced to an automated blender (such as Junge, Kahler, Murray, or Yargus). If the blender returns a file with actual loaded quantities for each item, those quantities display in the Done column of the grid. Saving this screen edits the Blend Ticket Product quantities to the numbers in the Done column. Make sure all line items contain a quantity. Application and prepackaged products should also be included in these line items.

The Archive Blender File option controls whether or not the blender file may be reused. If this box is not checked, the blender file will be available to use again. If the file was created from the Junge® Blender System, this option is not visible. In this case, the Done File found on the Read/Capture of the Blender File is only available for a single use.

This function marks the ticket Loaded and affects inventory.