Post Grain Handling Shrink Process

Posts handling shrink units by DPR commodity / location.

  1. Navigate to Grain / Operations / Post Grain Handling Shrink.
    Note: Upon opening Post Grain Handling Shrink, information loads for each Commodity, Location, Shrink Type, and approved or unapproved for Grain Units which have yet to be posted to the DPR. 
  2. At the Post Grain Handling Shrink window, enter the Post Adjustment Date and Shrink Type
  3. Enter a Shrink Percent for each Commodity, Location, and Shrink Type. The Units may also be edited. The Adjustment calculates after each change. A default shrink percentage may be set up by Commodity, Location, and Shrink Type by selecting Setup Default Shrink.
    Note: At the Default Grain Handling Shrink Percent window, enter the percentage in the Default Shrink Percent field. The percentage is set for each Location, Commodity, and Shrink Type to be used. Select Save
  4. Select Post Adjustments to post Shrink to the DPR.
    Note: These adjustments are shown as part of the Combined DPR/ TPR report at Grain / Grain Reports / Daily Position Reports / Combined DPR/ TPR. They are also listed in the Company Owned Adjustment Recap section at the end of the report.