Payment on Accounts


Money received from customers on account is handled at the Payment on Account screen which is accessed at either A/R / Payments or by choosing the Add a Payment on Account shortcut icon. The Invoices load into the Payment grid in Standard sort order unless a different sort order is selected. The Standard sort displays credits first, Finance Charges, and then other unpaid Invoices by due date and Invoice number. The grid may optionally be sorted by Invoice #, Control #, Invoice Date, or Due Date. There are several Accounts Receivable situations dealt with at the Payment on Accounts screen such as overpayments or underpayments.

  • Date – The date defaults to the system date but may be changed if necessary and available discounts automatically display in the Payment grid.
  • Customer ID – If not filled out, double-click to display the Select Customers screen.
  • Payment Amount – Always enter the actual dollars paid rather than credit allowed. Select the Payment TypeRegular, Prepay, or Budget Billing.
  • Surcharge Amount – If the location is set up to assess surcharges for certain Pay Methods, the surcharge amount displays in this area.
  • Payment Collected – The total of the Payment Amount and the Surcharge Amount is displayed.
  • Discount Amount – Enter the discount allowed. Before saving the payment, this figure must equal the total amount of the Discount column below the grid in the lower right portion of the screen.
  • Discount Account – If a discount is allowed, this is the G/L account that is affected at posting. This number defaults to the current location's Sales Discount account found at Setup / Locations on the G/L Posting tab. It may be overridden with any valid G/L account code.
  • Total Credit – The combination of the Payment Amount and the Discount Amount automatically displays here.
  • Control # – Optionally enter a number, such as a hand-ticket number, that may be used to sort the Select a Payment on Account screen or the Payment Register report.
  • Pay Method Grid – Up to three pay methods may be entered.
  • Pay Method – Choose from the active Pay Methods which are determined by the location preferences at Setup / Locations on the G/L Posting tab. Additional payment methods may be added at Setup / A/R / Pay Methods. A breakdown of Payment Methods is included on the Payment Register report.
  • Ref # – Optionally enter the Customer’s check number or other relevant number.
  • Pay Amount – Enter the amount that applies to the selected Pay Method.
  • Surcharge – For Pay Methods set to assess a surcharge, the calculated amount for the surcharge displays. This amount may be edited if necessary.
  • Apply Surcharge – For Pay Methods set to assess a surcharge, this defaults as checked.
  • Total – This displays the total of the Pay Amount plus Surcharge.
  • Clear Locks – This is used with the Moneris interface when applying the payment to multiple bankcards and one of the cards is declined. The accepted card is locked with a preauthorization. Changes can be made to the Pay Methods and amounts on the approved cards. If the locks are cleared, all cards are re-authorized when the payment is attempted again.
  • Description – Optionally enter general notes about this payment. These notes print on the Payment Register report as well as the payment receipt.
  • Sort Invoices by – Available on Regular payments (not Prepayments or Budget Billing payments), this controls the order in which the Invoices appear in the grid below. The Standard order is Credit Invoices (listed by Due Date and then Invoice #), Finance Charges (listed by Due Date and then Invoice #) and then all other Invoices (listed by Due Date and then Invoice #). There are also options to sort by Invoice #, Control #, Invoice Date, or Due Date.
  • Use U/A Cash – If the Customer has an Unapplied Cash balance, it may be used against outstanding Invoices by checking this option.
  • Auto Apply – Selecting this causes the program to apply the money to the Invoices listed in the grid. The dollars are always applied top down in the grid (in the sort order selected) and will partially pay the last Invoice if necessary to use the correct amount.
  • Balance Detail in Upper Right Portion – This displays the status of the Customer's Regular, Prepay, Unapplied Cash, and Budget balances both before and after the payment.
    Hint: A negative U/A Cash balance indicates the customer owes this amount.
  • Payment Grid Detail – If this is a Regular payment (rather than a Prepayment), the grid lists unpaid Invoices. If this is a Prepay entry, the grid contains unpaid Bookings. If this is a Budget Billing payment, the grid contains the Memo Invoices from the Equal Bill Posting. The descriptions below are for the headings in the grid when a Regular payment is being processed.
    • Date – This is the Invoice date.
    • Invoice # – The computer assigned Invoice number is displayed here.
    • Due – The Invoice due date displays.
    • Gross – This is the original total of this Customer's share of the Invoice.
    • Unpaid Amt – The dollars left unpaid on this Customer's share of the Invoice is here.
    • Disc Date – This is the date when the discount expires (or the most current discount in the case of a graduated table). This column shows Expired if a discount was offered but the discount date has passed. If the Invoice is a Finance Charge Invoice, that is noted here.
    • Discount – If available, the discount dollars offered display here. If Expired, double-clicking in this column displays the original discount. The discount may be selected to reactivate it or a new amount may be entered.
    • Payment – This is the actual dollars paid on this Invoice. For a partially paid Invoice, this figure may be edited by keying in a different amount.
    • Invoice Terms – Here is where the Terms Code displays from the Invoice.
    • Control # – The Invoice Control Number displays here.
  • View Invoices – The Customer Invoices listed in the grid may be displayed. The line item information, additional information, and analysis is available to be viewed.
  • Apply – When enabled, this must be selected before saving the payment. This causes the grid columns to be recalculated across (left to right) and down.
  • Untag All – Selecting this unchecks all Invoices in the grid.
  • Print Form – Choosing this prints the Payment screen.
  • Print on Save – Select this option to print a payment receipt. A receipt may also be reprinted at the A/R / Payments window.
  • Issue Check – When refunding a customer’s credit balance or Unapplied Cash, this may be selected. The negative payment saves on the Customer’s account and a Quick Check is generated.

Payment on Accounts Process

Record customer payments and adjustments, update customer A/R balances, and affect the general ledger.

  1. Go to Accounting / A/R / Payments and select Add or choose the Add a Payment on Account icon.
  2. Highlight the appropriate customer and choose Select.
  3. On the Payment on Accounts window, choose Regular, Prepay, or Budget Billing from the drop-down menu. This records a payment for Regular Invoices, Prepay Bookings, or Budget Billing Invoices.
  4. Select the Invoice(s) to be paid, then enter the total dollar amount received in the Payment Amount area. Enter the discount amount (or adjustment) in the Discount Amount area.
  5. Enter the dollar amount received and the amount discounted per Invoice in the line item’s Payment and Discount cells in the grid.
    Note: The Payment Amount and Discount Amount areas should match the Totals at the bottom of the window.
  6. Select up to three Pay Methods and enter the Pay Amount for each.
    Note: The total of the Pay Amount in the Pay Method grid should match the Totals in the bottom of the window.
  7. Select Apply.
    Note: If the payment is not for specific Invoices, Auto Apply can be selected. This automatically applies the money to the Invoices in the grid, beginning with the Invoice listed first. Use the Sort Invoices by drop-down to change the order of the Invoices.
  8. To apply Unapplied Cash to the Invoices, select the Use U/A Cash option. If a customer has overpaid, the balance is placed in the customer’s Unapplied Cash account.
  9. After all necessary information is entered, choose Save.