Sales Register

The Sales Register report, found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / Sales, displays all Products purchased by Customers for a given Date, Invoice number, or Fiscal Month range. The report allows a user to filter results for any or all Customers. 

  • Select Locations  The Location selection refers to the Invoice Location and defaults to All Locations. To choose specific Locations, use the Select button.
  • Group by Location –When checked, the results will group together based on the Region assigned to the Location within the Profile tab of Hub / Setup / Locations / Edit Location.
  • Select Customers The Payment Register report defaults to All Customers. To choose specific Customers, use the Select button.
  • Cust Class – Customers can be selected by Classifications. Information regarding Classifications can be found here.
  • Select Range – The Sales Register report can be ran based on Date, Invoice # or Fiscal Month. Select the desired range and set the Start and End parameter.
  • Range – Selecting Control # will change the Select Range options to Date, Control # and Fiscal Month. A range of Control #s can then be used to filter the report results.
  • Sort by Choose to sort the report by Invoice #, Control #, or Date
  • Print Gross Margin Select to include the Gross margin on the report. 
  • Invoice Cost to Calculate Profit  Option becomes available when Print Gross Margin is selected. Select to determine what Cost, is used when calculating the Profit and Gross Margin on the report.
  • Totals Page Only  When selected the Product's Non-Taxable, Taxable, and Total Sales will generate with no Invoice detail.
  • Consolidate Locations – This option is not available for this report.
  • Credit Invoices Only  Select to only include Credit Invoices in the results.
  • Voided Invoices Only  Select to only include Voided Invoices in the results.
  • Roll Up Invoices – This option is not available for this report.
  • Select Salespeople  The Sales Register report defaults to All. To choose a specific Salespeople, use the Select button.
  • User  Default is All. Optionally select a specific User to filter results to Invoices entered by that user.