MN CNS ID Numbers


Effective November 1, 2010, the MN CNS file started using a unique identifier in lieu of SSN/FEINs.  This unique identifier, created by the Secretary of State's office, is a nine-digit randomly-generated number replacing the SSN.


It is recommended by the MN Office of the Secretary of State (OSS) that the best way to search the CNS buyer’s list data on their website is by searching for debtors by their actual name and address.  The SSN or TIN are not always correctly filed which can result in the generation of erroneous numbers.

In addition, ID numbers that are generated when a SSN/TIN contains all zeros, 9s, or eight zeros and a blank will generate one of the following ID numbers:




These three numbers should never be entered into Agvance as a customer’s SSN/FEIN or as a MN ID number when updating the MN ID. 

If your customer has one of these three MN CNS ID numbers on the Secretary of State's website, please manually setup a lien holder under Grain/Setup/Lien Holders. This manually established Lien Holder will need to be maintained outside of the MN Lien Holder import.