The Accounting Location setup area includes a Preferences tab where the key G/L posting accounts are defined.
Those companies with multiple locations will set up each plant separately at the home office.
- Key Account Codes – Define the G/L Account Codes where the key transactions are to post.
- Pay Methods – A General Ledger Account should be entered for each Pay Method.
- Finance Charge Item – If the Finance Charge function will be used, there must be a Finance Charge item set up in inventory. Double-click here to select that inventory item.
Although the Location breakdown is designed for dealers with multiple plants, all Agvance users must have at least one Location defined. Key G/L posting accounts are set at the Location level as well as any Location-specific settings (Sales Tax Multiplier, Finance Charge Product, Remittance Address, etc.).
For multiple plant companies, the Location settings defines each plant's key G/L posting accounts. Locations are additionally often used for filtering reports.
Used for the headings on many printed documents (Invoices, Statements, Purchase documents, Load/Delivery Tickets, etc.), enter the basic information for each Location. Information other than the address and phone numbers is all optional.
- Location ID – Enter the ID for the Location. This Location ID appears when filtering items such as Products or Customers by Location.
- Main Plant – Indicate if this Location is the main Location.
- Time Zone – Optionally indicate the time zone for this Location.
- Name/Address/City/State/Zip/Phone/Fax – Enter this information for the specific Location. This can optionally be printed on documents.
- Geo Code – Optionally enter the Location’s geo code.
- Territory – Enter the territory of the Location if applicable.
- County – Once the state has been selected in the address, double-click to display a list of counties within that state. Select the appropriate county.
- Country – Optionally select the country if it should be printed on the documents.
- DOT Regist. # – This number prints on the hazardous material sheet.
- Grain Dealer Lic # – The Grain Dealer License is usually assigned by the state Department of Agriculture. If a number is entered here, it is available to print on custom Grain Contracts.
- Grain Warehouse Lic # – The Grain Warehouse License is usually assigned by either the state Department of Agriculture or the USDA. The number entered here is available to print on custom Grain Contracts.
- Cross Ref – Information may be entered here to cross reference the Location for an interface to a different system.
- IC Code – This is used if sales information is transferred via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).
- DUNS # – Optionally enter the Location’s Dun & Bradstreet number in this area.
- FEI # – The Federal Employer Identification Number for the Location is entered here.
- Pest Lic # – The Dealer’s Pesticide License number is usually assigned by the state Department of Agriculture. The number entered here prints in the headings of the customer sales documents (Delivery Tickets, Blend Tickets, and Invoices).
- Addl Lic # – Enter additional Pesticide License information in this area. This information prints on the Purchase Receipt and Haz Mat paperwork, appended to the Pest Lic # information above.
- Pest Appl # – This is the license of the applicator overseeing the company operators. The number entered here prints on the Custom Application document.
- Region/Sub-Region – If these areas are completed, there are options on some reports to use the Region/Sub-Region as a sorting tool. This allows multiple Locations to easily be combined on some of the reports such as Inventory reports.
- Inactive – If this Location is inactive, select this option.
- Product Master – For multi-site Locations, sometimes a Location is added as a Product Master. All Products are entered in this Location then pushed to the other Locations by using the Product Synchronization tool. This marks the Location as the Product Master for the Product Synchronization utility.
- Require Customer Agreement for Electronic Signature – Select this option if a Customer Agreement is required for electronic signature.
G/L Posting
This screen holds key posting information (these must be filled out before the capture of online balances).
- Key Account Codes – Enter the corresponding General Ledger Account Codes for this Location here. Double-click in each field to select from the list of existing General Ledger Accounts.
- State Code/Adj Code – If the optional State Tax and/or Adjustment Tax Codes are being used, set the defaults here. When invoicing, any state or local multipliers may be selected that are predefined at Setup / A/R / Sales Tax Codes.
- Default Checking Account – Select the checking account that should default for this Location. This account defaults as the checking account at the A/P / Pay Bills screen, G/L / Quick Check, and A/R / Transfer Customer Prepay, but may be changed at the time of the transaction.
- Cash In Bank – The default cash in bank General Ledger Account can be selected for this Location. This account defaults into the Bank Deposit screen.
- Pay Methods – The Pay Method headings are set up at Setup / A/R / Pay Methods. Double-click and select the General Ledger Account for each Pay Method for this Location which determines an alternative debit account from the standard Cash on Hand Key Account Code. These accounts may also be entered and maintained at Setup / A/R / Pay Method. If a Pay Method is set as Inactive, it is not available to select when entering customer payments. Surcharge and Rate columns are available to use when adding surcharges on customer payments such as credit card payments. To utilize surcharges on payments, additional setup is required on the Preferences tab.
- Finance Charge Item – To use the Finance Charge function in Accounts Receivable, a Finance Charge item must be defined in the inventory Products. This item is used as the system automatically creates Invoices for each Finance Charge assessed. This account is often added to a Miscellaneous Inventory Department where the individual Products determine the G/L posting account.
- Sales Tax Multiplier – Enter the percentage for the Location (enter 6.25% as 6.25).
- Commission Item – If Coop Commission is being used, then an item must be set up in inventory for that commission. Double-click here and select that Commission Item. The commission automatically calculates and displays as a line item on Invoices.
- Surcharge Product – When utilizing the Automatic Surcharge option for specified Pay Methods, select the Product to be used for the surcharge. This item is used as the system automatically creates an Invoice for the surcharge on the customer’s account and takes the payment for the surcharge at the time the payment is added at the customer Payment on Accounts screen.
- Extra Charges – Additional taxes such as local tax, fertilizer tax, or ground water tax may be defined here. These extra charges display as line items on the Invoice or Booking.
- Document Numbering – The computer automatically maintains the document numbering. These numbers may be viewed from this screen but should not be edited unless instructed to do so by the SSI Support team. Purchase Orders, A/P Purchase Orders, and Purchase Order Requests may be automatically numbered by the computer or manually numbered by the user when entered. Select the option under the Auto Numbering column to automatically number any/all of these documents.
- Use Sales Tax on Sales Order – Select this option to be able to apply sales tax to Sales Orders. If this option is selected, enter the Estimated Sales Tax Item below.
- Use Booking Sales Tax Check – This allows an option when saving a Booking to enter an additional line representing sales tax if any taxable Products are included on the Booking.
- Allow Sales Tax to be Prepaid – If sales tax is included on a prepaid Booking, using this option in conjunction with the Estimated Sales Tax Item defaults the sales tax as prepaid when invoicing.
- Estimated Sales Tax Item – Double-click to select the item used to represent sales tax on Bookings or Sales Orders.
- Print list price on any Booking line item where the price does not match the list price – With this option selected, printed Bookings show List Price and Your Price for each item booked.
- Use transaction date for payment at roll-thru payment – Selecting this option uses the Invoice Date as the date on the Payment when the roll-through payment option is used either by selecting the COD option on an Invoice or by choosing the Take Payment option on the Print Invoice screen.
- Default quantity when loading out by ticket in Mobile Inventory – Loading out by ticket defaults the line item quantity from the Delivery Ticket when this option is selected.
- Maximum A/R Balance to Write Off – To utilize the Write-Off Customer Balance utility, enter the maximum amount in this area that is to be written off.
- Moneris Bank Card Processing – When using Moneris Bank Card Processing, choose a processing option. If using an EVM card reader, select the Moneris Secure Pass Thru (POSPAD) option. Selecting either the Moneris eSelect Plus or Moneris Secure Pass Thru option allows the processing of credit card payments through Moneris.
- Dept Code – For companies using one database for multiple Locations, the Department Code may be selected to define which employees belong to this Location. This information is also used for processing W-2s for multiple companies.
Remit Address
Payments may optionally be sent to an address other than the Location Profile address. To utilize this preference, enter the address at this screen and check the Print Remit To Address in Invoice Header or the Print Remit To Address in Invoice Footer option.
Note: This area is not related to the Warehouse app.
Purchase Receipts may be transferred as Mobile Inventory receipts between datasets by completing the following information.