Settings for Grower360 Integrations can be enabled and set up at SKY Admin / Grower360 / Integrations.
To see a video of Grower360 Setup in SKY Admin, see here.
Grower Account Request Form
A Grower Account Request Form URL can be entered at SKY Admin / Grower360 under Integrations.
When a URL is entered, a Request an Account link displays on the Grower360 Login page which redirects Grower360 users to the URL entered. This URL is to be set up and maintained by the company and is not the responsibility of SSI.
A Barchart API Key can be entered at SKY Admin / Grower360 under Integrations.
When an API key from Barchart is entered and the Cash Bid setup is completed at Admin / Grower360 / Cash Bid Setup, cash bids display on both the Grower360 Login page and Overview page. Cash Bids display based on the current Barchart subscription. Additionally, the Barcharts API Key cannot be used in conjunction with the DTN API Key. Optionally enter the Display ID for the Barchart Grain Offers Integration.
Cash Bids can be set up to display in Grower360 via DTN. This setup requires a separate agreement with DTN prior to setup in Agvance SKY. Reach out to a DTN sales representative to set up or verify the correct subscriptions and licensing.
Setup for specific Cash Bids including Basis information is done through the DTN online portal.
Setup for the display of the Cash Bids information is done at SKY / Admin / Grower360 / Integrations. The DTN API Key and Site Id are required and should be obtained from DTN. Entering this information allows Cash Bids information (determined from the DTN online portal) to display on the Grower360 login page as well as the Grower360 Overview page.
The DTN Futures API Key can optionally be entered in order to display future Cash Bids in Grower360.
- When an API key from DTN is entered and the Cash Bid setup is completed at Admin / Grower360 / Cash Bid Setup, cash bids display on both the Grower360 Login page and Overview page.
- When the DTN Futures API Key is entered, Cash Bid futures display on the Grower360 Login page and Overview page.
- A Site Id is required for setting up DTN Cash bids for display on Grower360.
Custom Futures URL
Companies can choose to redirect growers to their own Futures Cash Bids page.
To do this, select the + button next to Custom Futures URL under Grower360 in SKY Admin in the Integrations section to enter a URL redirecting Growers to Futures information.
Choose the Pencil button to edit the URL if needed. If at any time the link needs removed, the toggle can be turned off but the URL will be retained.
Once a URL is saved and the toggle is turned on, Growers will see a link to View All Futures on the top of the Cash Bid card in Grower360.
Sidebar Page Link
Select the + next to Sidebar Page Link at SKY Admin / Grower360 under Integrations to enter a URL. This adds a link at the bottom of the left hand navigation in Grower360 to direct growers to that URL.