Blending Reports

All reports available in the Blending module are blend-related. Other reports such as Field splits, Customer lists, etc., are found in the Hub, Planning, or Accounting modules. The Hub has many reference and general information reports for files that are common between all the modules (Customers, Fields, Inventory Products).

Blend Ticket Reports

These reports summarize Blend Ticket activity in a variety of ways.

Blend Ticket List

This report is a chronological listing of Blend Tickets without product detail. The report may be printed on a date or ticket number range. Optionally filter by Loaded status, Blend status, or all tickets in the range. Voided or reversed tickets may optionally be included.

The report prints Ticket Number, Date, Loaded status, Customer Name, Field ID, Description, and Void status.

Blend Ticket Journal

This report provides a chronological listing of Blend Tickets with product detail. The report may be printed on a date or ticket number range. Optionally print Loaded status, Blend status, or all tickets in the range.

Filter is also available to limit or exclude certain types of Blend Tickets. This filter uses Customer, Field, Product, and Blend information.

The report prints Ticket Number, Date, Customer, Field ID, Acres, Crop, Placement, Products, Rate/Acre, and Total product. This report also shows the analysis selected and if the Blend Ticket has been voided or reversed.

Product Analysis Recap

This report totals the product blended, displaying the total Blending Units and total Inventory Units. It shows one line per product in inventory and blend units of measure.

Not Loaded Blend Tickets are often considered work orders. This report may be used to determine if on-hand inventory is sufficient to fill existing unloaded Blend Tickets.

Total Nutrient Applied

This report totals the nutrients applied to a field and subtotals them on a field-by-field basis. The report may be filtered by Grower, Field, or Blend and may be grouped by Farm.

The report may also be used to determine additional fertilizer required to be applied on a field to satisfy the recommendations.


This report tracks acres applied by a driver or vehicle. The report prints alphabetically by the selected sort option.

This report is helpful for bonus calculations based on acres spread.

Note: For this report to be accurate, the vehicle and applicator must be selected on each Blend Ticket. If running a report for custom application, the Custom Application option must be marked.

Resize Analysis

This report shows the information tracked on the Resize Ticket window. The report includes the original Ticket #, Time, Date, Acres, Weight, and Volume of the original ticket. The information is also broken down for each batch.


This report provides information about the fields used on multi-Field tickets.

Manufactured Product Journal

This is a journal of products blended by fixed formula rather than custom blended. Manufactured blends are often used for product that is pre-blended and stockpiled.

With sort options of Reference number, By Date or By Product, this report prints the manufactured blend activity for the date range. It displays the raw materials used and the finished goods along with the quantities of each.

The entries originate from products manufactured at Accounting / Inventory / Manufacture Inventory or from Invoices with manufactured products set to Affect Inventory at Billing.

Mini-Bulk Report

This is a log of all re-packaged products delivered or picked up. The report lists any loaded Blend Tickets and Delivery Tickets marked as mini-bulk sales. It includes the Date, Customer, Ticket #, Dept ID, Product ID, Package Size, Quantity, and EPA# if applicable.

Product Sets

Product Sets are defined at Setup / Product Sets. These reports default to all Product Sets created. Filtering for selecting specific Product Sets is also available.

Product Set Reference List

This report displays the Product Sets in alphabetical order along with the Dry/Liquid status. Limited detail is shown.

Product Set General Information

This report displays the Product Sets in alphabetical order along with all details of the set, including each product, nutrient contribution, formulation, and blend order. The report also provides the nutrient constraints and other critical information from the Product Set.

Customer Blend History

This is a listing of all blends by Customer, by Field. This report shows Ticket #, Date, Acres, Crop, Products, Rate/Acre, and Totals of Inventory Units applied. This history may be transferred to field history by using the Transfer to Field History function in the Hub.

Repacked Report

This report lists the Date, Customer, Ticket #, Dept ID, Prod ID, Name, Pkg Size, Quantity, and EPA # for all Blend Tickets marked as Repacked.