Planning Reports

The following reports are found under the Reports menu in Planning.

Grower Summary

This report summarizes all Plans made for a Customer and may be used as a management tool or the first step in Customer prepay. The Grower Summary report includes the Plans chosen with Acres, Crop, Product, Amnt/Acre, Total Amount of Product, Cost/Unit, Cost of Your Share, and Cost/Acre, as well as Plan, Customer, Farm, and Grand Totals. This report includes the Grower’s Field Plans and optionally includes Sales Orders.

Optionally send to Grower360 to display in the Resources area. A Description is required and will display as comments in Grower360.

The Crop Planning Report option, when selected, enables new options giving the ability to Print Selected Summaries Only that are by Plan, Crop, Product, or Manufacturer. This report also uses the logo set up on the Logo tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences.

Note: Sending the Grower Summary report to Grower360 is only available in Agvance Version 7.0.21280 or higher.

Product Planning Analysis

Sorted by Customer or Product, this report summarizes and tallies the Products to be applied in the selected Field Plans. This may be used for prepay purchase decisions. The report includes the Grower, Field, Plan, Description, Quantity, Cost/Unit, and Extension of total cost. There are options to Filter by Crop and Include Sales Orders, as well as an option to recap and total this information by Farm.

Nutrient Rec Summary

This report lists each sample number along with the Nutrient Recommendation generated for the sample area. Optionally, existing map layers may be selected to preview and/or print that map for the Field on this report as well.

Blend Ticket Reports

The Total Nutrient Applied report may assist the salesperson in forecasting the amount of Product needed based partially on how transactions are done in Blending.

Product Sets

These reports are available to see the Products and constraints currently set on any or all Product Sets.

Current Form

Selecting this menu option will print any dialog window currently open that has focus in the Planning module.

Sales Order

Sales Order Journal

This report option generates a journal report based upon the filter criteria selected. The Print Detailed Product Recap option prints the Product Recap sorted by Department ID and then by Location ID. The Print Summarized Product Recap option prints the Product Recap sorted by Department Category and then by Product ID.

Sales Orders Discount Summary

This option generates a report summarizing the discounts on Sales Orders based upon the filter criteria selected.