Assembly Sheet - Contract Filled or Overfilled

Q.  How do I know when a Contract has been filled or overfilled on an Assembly Sheet?

A.  Assembly Sheet - Contract Filled

When a contract is filled, the contract will appear blue on the assembly sheet. When a contract is filled on a split line and another contract is applied to the share left, the contract and the share left appears on a new split line. If the contract is not yet filled, the contract number will appear in black.

Note: The program does not automatically go back and update scale tickets with the contract price, but the contract price is used on the settlement. If a ticket overfills a contract and a non-contract entry is created with a priced disposition, the price entered will not be updated as the base price on the scale ticket. The user can edit the scale ticket or use a utility called "Update the Scale Ticket Information" to update the price on the scale ticket. Refer to the following document:

Update Scale Ticket Information

When the contract has been filled and a non-contract entry is created, the contract data field will be blank on the new assembly split line.

When a contract has been overfilled, the contract number in the contract data field will be red.