Scale Ticket Level Management Mode - Required Information on a Grain Scale Ticket

In Grain, there are two models of operation:

  • The Standard model where Scale Tickets are directly associated to the Assembly
  • Scale Ticket Level Management where Scale Tickets have an independent relationship to the Assembly.

Setup for these two models is inherently different and therefore not interchangeable within Grain.

The information in this article is specific to the Scale Ticket Level Management model.

When adding a Grain Scale Ticket, some information is required before the ticket may be saved.

  • Assembly # – Double-click in Assembly # to select an existing Assembly or add a new Assembly by selecting New Assembly Sheet.
  • Location – The Location defaults from the Assembly #.
  • Ticket # - Tickets may be auto numbered or manually entered depending on the preference setting. This is a numeric field only. Alpha characters are not allowed.
  • Commodity – The Commodity defaults from the Assembly #.
  • Date – Select the date the grain was delivered.
  • Gross Weight / Tare Weight / Net Weight – Enter these weights based on the scale weights of the truck. Net Weight can auto calculate if the preference is set to do so (Net Weight = Gross Weight – Tare Weight).
  • Gross Units / Net Units – These units are calculated based on the overall weights per commodity weight per unit of measure. The Shrink Units and Dock Units based on the quality of the grain are accounted for in the calculation.
  • Customer(s) – The Customer(s) may be selected from the Farm ID, Field ID, or Customer ID. The Customer Name, Share%, Contract, and DPR default from the Assembly Sheet selected.