Scale Ticket Level Management Mode - Optional Information on a Grain Scale Ticket

In Grain, there are two modes of operation: The Standard mode where Scale Tickets are directly associated to the Assembly, and Scale Ticket Level Management where Scale Tickets have an independent relationship to the Assembly. Setup for these two modes is inherently different and therefore they are not interchangeable within Grain.

The information listed in this document is specific to the Scale Ticket Level Management mode of operation.

When adding a Grain Scale Ticket in the Scale Ticket Level Management mode, additional information may optionally be added to provide more details related to the ticket.

  • Ticket Prefix / Suffix – A Ticket Prefix or Suffix may be entered. The information entered will be appended to the Ticket # on all customer-facing reports.
  • Farm ID / Field ID – Using a Farm ID or Field ID allows tracking of crop production and will bring in the split arrangement associated with the selected Farm or Field.
    • The Farm ID and Field ID defaults from the Assembly or can be manually selected.
    • Reports filtering by Farm ID and Field ID are available for production or insurance purposes.
  • Lot Num – Enter the lot number if needed. This is typically used for seed beans, edible grains, etc.
  • Base Price – The individual price may come from the Assembly or the Scale Ticket.
  • Direct Ship – This option should be selected if grain is shipped directly to the processor.
    Note: The Direct Ship shipment and the Scale Ticket must have the same units.
  • Grade Factors Grid – Results and associated Prem/Disc (premium or discounts/shrink & dock) display.
    Note: Results may optionally be required on the Commodity setup.
  • Comment – Comments may be manually entered or selected from saved comments.
  • Freight Vendor / Charges – Freight charges may be added to the Scale Ticket to pay the Vendor and/or charge the Customer. Select the Freight Vendor and then choose Charges to set and apply the freight amount.
  • Bin – Select the Bin for tracking and identification purposes.
  • BL/Car # – Enter a reference number if needed. This typically will coincide with a shipment.
  • Details – Select Details to display the Posted Status, the User who created the Scale Ticket, and the Date/Time it was created.