Product Selection Screen

This screen is used throughout the Agvance Accounting program to select Products for a variety of functions (Invoices, Delivery Tickets, Purchases, running reports, etc.).

  • Bar Code Option – If any Products are cross-referenced to the Universal Product Code (UPC) number in the Bar Code ID area of the Product Profile screen, the Products can optionally be selected at this screen by scanning the Product bar code. Besides the Bar Code ID, the Activate Bar Code option must be checked

Product Selection Tab

Hint: Right-click on the selected item to display additional information about that Product such as EPA#, Billing Units, Product Costs, etc.

  1. In the upper left portion of the screen, select the department. The Show which Departments displays only a particular location’s departments (it defaults to the location currently being used). The Department Filter is another way to display a subset of all departments.
  2. The State Restricted filter on the right side of the screen allows a state to be selected. With the State Restricted column displayed in the upper right portion of the screen, any Product marked as restricted in the selected state displays with a checkmark in the State Restricted column.
  3. The items within the selected department display on the right. Double-click on the item to bring it to the area in the lower portion of the screen. To select all items in the department, choose the black Down Arrow icon on the left. The arrow on the right places all selected Products from a department into the lower area of the screen. To multi-select, hold the Ctrl key down to highlight several items or hold the Shift key down to inclusively select all items between any two highlighted Products.
    Note: Optionally sort by Product Name and in the Product Name field, enter the first few characters of the Product Name. To find an item name or ID when the department is unknown, fill out the fields in the Search in all Departments area and select Search.
  4. Once a Product is in the grid at the bottom of the Select Products window, right-clicking on that Product gives additional options: Show Department IDs, Select identical product from all locations, and Select All Lots.
  5. As items are selected for transactions where quantities are needed, either enter the quantities at this screen or back at the transaction screen.
    Note: To delete a Product from the shopping cart, select the row number to the left to highlight the item and then press the Delete key on the keyboard. To delete all items from the shopping cart, select in the empty box at the top of the row of numbered boxes (just to the left of the Product Name heading). This causes all items in the shopping cart to be highlighted and then they can be deleted at once.
  6. Choose Done when finished.

Right-Clicking Products on Product Selection Window

After selecting Products at the Select Products multi-select window, right clicking on any selected Product offers additional options.

Once a product is selected, additional options are available by right-clicking on the Product. Choose to Show Department IDs, Select identical products from all locations or Select All Lots.

  • Show Department IDs – A DepartID column is added to the grid and the department ID for each Product is displayed.
  • Select identical products from all locations – A new row for each location with that Product displays in the grid.
  • Select All Lots – A separate row is added for each lot number for the selected Product.

Quick Select Tab

The Quick Select tab shows a subset of Products that are commonly used and is available on the Select Products window throughout Agvance. This functionality filters Products based on a select group of Product Classifications, listing Products in a predefined order.


On the Product tab at Hub / Setup / Company Preferences, select Product Classifications. Add a Classification for the necessary Products, or edit the Classification that contains the desired Products. Check the Quick Select Classification option. When this is checked, the Up and Down Arrows become enabled so Products may be moved in any order such as most to least used. Select Save.

When adding an Invoice, Quick Ticket, Delivery Ticket, Booking, Blend Ticket, or any other transaction, double-click on the Product Name column to open the Select Products window. Choose the Quick Select tab.

Note: When this window opens, the last used tab displays by default.

The Classifications with the Quick Select Classification option selected display in the grid. The Products are listed in the order set on the Add or Edit Product Classification window.

Choose the necessary Products for the ticket, and select Done. Add any additional information to the ticket, and save.