Promos and Discounts

The Promos & Discounts tab on the Edit Product Pricing utility, found at Hub / Utilities / Edit Product Pricing, is used to enter sale prices with effective date ranges. These sale prices replace the product’s List Price when used on Quick Tickets within the specified date range. The promotional pricing may be manually entered or may be imported from a .txt or .csv file.

Note: For the sale prices to replace the product’s List Price on the Quick Ticket, the Pricing dropdown on the customer’s Profile tab must be set to List Price.

To manually enter promotional prices, on the Promos & Discounts tab, double-click the Product Name column to select the products. Enter the Start Date and the End Date, as well as the Promo Value and Promo Type. Save the information.

Note: The Promo Value may be the sale price, or it may be a discount percent from the List price. If a sale price is entered in the Promo Value, then in the Promo Type area enter Price. If the Promo Value entered is a discount percentage, enter Percent in the Promo Type

To import the promotional prices, the file format must first be established for the import. To create a new import format, click the New button. Enter a Format Name, which displays in the selection box when importing the file. Select the Delimiter for the file which can be CommaTabPipe, or Space. If the file contains any header rows, enter the Number of Heading Lines to Exclude. In the Import File Index column, enter the location of each of the data elements. The column numbering is a zero-based index, so the first column in the file is numbered as zero and then subsequent columns in the file increase from there. Select Save.

Once the file format is established, on the Promos & Discounts tab, select the import format in the Format Name selection box. In the Import File area, use the browse button to navigate to the location of the file to import. Click the Import button.