
It is best to verify numbers carefully before ending the payroll month of December (and therefore ending the payroll year). These numbers can be verified by running the Employee Totals report using the Period to Date and YTD options and the Employee Totals report using the By Check option based on a Date Range from January 1 to December 31. If these numbers do not match, please contact SSI Support for further assistance.

Create W2 files

Within Agvance Tax / W-2’s, preview and save W-2s.

Go to the Electronic File tab of the Preview / Print W-2/W-3 Forms window, select the correct Tax Year, and enter all necessary information for electronic filing. The Output File Path determines where the file will be saved. Select Create File.


Importing W2 files

Once the file has been created, it may be imported into Mag-Filer including both Payer and Payee information. This may be done directly from Agvance or manually from within the Mag-Filer program.

To import the file directly from Agvance, select Import to Mag-Filer.


Agvance locates the file titled W2REPORT.csv and imports it into the Mag-Filer program which launches after the file is imported. If a username and password were created for the Mag-Filer database, there will be a prompt to enter User Login credentials.