New Articles

  1. Discount Program Statement

    A Statement may be used to summarize or monitor a customer’s business by month or year. It can also be used to help reconcile accounts at the end of the season and to Invoice/credit discounts to customers. Stmt. Customer – This allows specifi...
  2. Transfer Unapplied Cash

    Go to the Payment on Account screen ( Accounting / A/R / Payments or by selecting the Payment on Account shortcut) for the customer who has the Unapplied Cash balance. Enter a negative amount in the  Payment Amount field for the amount being...
  3. Writing off Unapplied Cash Balance

    Go to the Payment on Accounts  screen, and select the Customer. Enter the amount of Unapplied Cash to write off in the Discount Amount field as a negative number. Enter a different account in the Disc Acct  field if an account different from t...
  4. Write Off Customer Balance Utility

    This utility, found under the A/R menu, was designed to automatically write off small balances from Customer accounts. Prior to using this utility, the Maximum A/R Balance to Write Off must be established for each Location using the utility. T...
  5. Write Off All or Part of Customer Balance

    There are a few approaches to writing off all or a portion of a Customer balance - using the Write Off utility, using Pay Methods, and using Discounts. Payment Method Setup Setting up a Pay Method is recommended for writing off Customer ba...
  6. Imports List

    There are a few options for importing activity from other applications into SSI. Vertical Ascii Files See here for more information on the Vertical Ascii Files import. Invoice ASCII Files Create Agvance Invoices from transactions brought i...
  7. Accounting Imports

  8. Accounting Exports

  9. End of Periods Misc

    These end of period functions are extremely important. Care should be taken that all checklists provided are followed. Daily The Agvance data represents the financial records of the business as well as many hours of data entry time. Here are s...
  10. End of Payroll Month

    The ending of the payroll month is separate from ending the fiscal month. This is to accommodate situations where the first payroll of a new month is due before the previous fiscal month is ended. After running the last payroll of the month, it is ...