New Articles

  1. Combo Statement Style Alternate 3

    The Alt3  style is most like the Standard Combo Statement with Condensed Headers but includes a Cover Page. This style was designed to meet specific company needs and federal guidelines for Consumer Statements. Setup Combo Statement Style Alt...
  2. AP Purchase Orders - SKY Vendor

      Overview AP Purchase Orders are available in the left navigation. Search for specific AP Purchase Orders by Vendor Name , Vendor ID , PO # , PO Date , and Status . Select the Eye button to view additional detail...
  3. Unfulfilled Booking Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Department location. Purpose The Unfulfilled Booking dashboard displays the Amount on Booking , Loaded and Unloaded Delivery Ticket quantities for each product imported from a Booking, then ...
  4. SKY Mapping: Extraction Methods

    Using the correct extraction methods when creating soil test templates is important for data accuracy.  Different extraction methods will return varying values depending on the method chosen for extraction. ...
  5. SKY Mapping: Move a Field from One Grower to Another

    Moving a field from one grower to another is often needed for mapping.  SKY Mapping allows the user to easily preform this function using it's move field utility. ...
  6. SKY Mapping: Creating Blend Tickets from Recs

    In SKY Mapping, the user can calculate recommendations manually or by using a pre-loaded equation set.  Once recommendations are created, they can be brought into the blending module of Agvance to create Blend Tickets. ...
  7. SKY Mapping: Equation Recs

    In SKY Mapping, the user can calculate recommendations manually or by using a pre-loaded equation set.  Once recommendations are created, they can be brought into the blending module of Agvance to create Blend Tickets. ...
  8. SKY Mapping: Manual Recs

    In SKY Mapping, the user can calculate recommendations manually or by using a pre-loaded equation set.  Once recommendations are created, they can be brought into the blending module of Agvance to create Blend Tickets. ...
  9. SKY Mapping: Importing Test Results Data via Shapefile

    In SKY Mapping, test results data can be manually imported through the import menu.  The user can import one or multiple soil test results simultaneously.     ...
  10. SKY Mapping: Copying an Existing Sampling Event

    In SKY Mapping, the user can create events for a wide variety of agricultural functions.  Data events can be created based on any of the following imputs.  Application, Harvest, Irrigation, Planting , Soil Sampling and Tillage. ...