New Articles

  1. NACM Export

    The NACM Export is found at Accounting / Transfers / Export . This creates a text file which National Association of Credit Management (NACM) members can submit to report customer aged balances to banks or other entities. The Output File Path dete...
  2. Grain Offers - SKY Customer

    View Grain Offers from Agvance on the Grain Offers tab in SKY Customer. Choose the Filters icon to specify a date range or to include/exclude those with a status of Open or Closed . The Search Grain Offers field can be used to narrow down ...
  3. API 7.0.24710 | 01.09.2024

    FTM-3534 / New Endpoint - Update Product Pricing – A new publish API method - PUT PriceLevel/PutProductPriceLevel - was added to allow the ability to update the pricing information on a given Product.  The ability to set the List Price and all 24...
  4. Deleting a View from Company Content

    View published by Analytics Authors to the Company Content folder can be removed by that Author. ...
  5. AP Bills My Approvals - SKY Vendor

    The My Approvals tab in SKY Vendor lists all Bills ready for approval by the SKY user currently logged in.   Select the Eye icon to view additional details including the G/L Account , Description , Amount , Quantity , Veh...
  6. AP Bills In Approval Process - SKY Vendor

    The In Approval Process tab lists A/P Bills in the approval process. Bills awaiting approval or those that have been approved but not yet reviewed and posted will display here. Select the Expand icon to view additional details. In the Appr...
  7. AP Bill Drafts - SKY Vendor

    The Drafts tab displays AP Bills entered but not yet posted. AP Bills here can be viewed by selecting the Eye icon. When adding an AP Bill, there is an option at the bottom to Set bill status to "Draft" . Check this box prior to saving an...
  8. AP Bills in SKY Vendor

    Overview View a listing of AP Bills from Agvance data. Bills displayed will adhere to the Vendor Restrictions from Agvance. In SKY Admin, the Vendor toggle can be turned on or off for each SKY user to allow or deny access to the SKY V...
  9. API 7.0.24590 | 12.12.2023

    FTM-3594 / GET Booking Additional Lookup Parameters – The Customer ID and Booking GUID parameters were added to the GET Booking request to allow for more detailed filtering of the results.
  10. December 2023

    Congrats to Our Customers on the CropLife 100!  |  Track Settlement Contract Signatures and Dates  | Assistance to Help You Finish the Year | New Dashboard! Invoiced to Booked Comparison  | Manage Inventory with the Warehouse App  |Payroll Informati...