Analytics Data Source Release Notes


Analytics Data Source Release Notes | 07.24.2024 New
AN-3073 / Scale Interface Farm Description – The Farm Description for the Farm on the Grain Scale Ticket has been added to the Grain Scale Interface Tickets data source.
Analytics Data Source Release Notes | 07.23.2024 New
AN-3071 / Online Payments Scheduled Dashboard Filter  – The calculation for the posted date in the Online Scheduled Payments data source was corrected to use the posted date from the online payment instead of the created date. ...
Analytics Data Source Release Notes | 07.16.2024 New
AN-3063 / Planned Booking Payment Method  – The Booking Payment Method (bookpaymethod.bookpaymethoddescription joined to booksplit on bookpaymethodguid) has been added to both the Product Bookings and Bookings data sources. AN-3066 / Credit Stat...