Meta Farms Export

This export is found at Accounting / Transfers / Export / Meta Farms.

Note: When adding a customer in Agvance, it is recommended to not include parentheses () in the Customer Name. When parentheses are included in the name, the export will generate an error.

The product quantity included in the file is converted to pounds. This export can be completed for date or fiscal month ranges and also for specific locations. The invoices are marked as exported to ensure they are not exported multiple times. An UnMark button is available if invoices need to be resent.

Select an export type with the layout that needs to be sent to Meta Farms. The three types of exports are described below:

  • Diet – The Diet layout information includes Source Ticket Numbers, Invoice Number, Customer PO, Crop ID, Invoice Date, Product Description, Quantity Share, Unit Price, and Grow Share.
  • Standard – The Standard Ingredient layout includes the raw ingredients for manufactured formulas. Information includes Source Ticket Numbers, Invoice Number, Customer ID, Customer Name, Field Description, Field ID, Product Description, Invoice Date, Product ID, Quantity, Unit Price, and Grow Share.  
  • Group Expense – The Group Expense layout information includes Customer ID, Invoice Number Invoice Date, Field Description, Product Description, Product ID, Field ID, Quantity Share, and Grow Share.
  • Combined – The Combined format is a combination of the Standard and Group Expense styles.

If the Diet and Group information is used in the Meta Farms system, it is added to the Additional Info tab at A/R / Invoice. The Diet information will be added in the Cust PO # field. The Group information is added in the Crop selection drop-down menu.