Aerial Application

Agvance Mapping includes a Hemisphere report designed specifically for aerial application. The Hemisphere GPS Exporter Report is accessed from the FieldOps menu.


At Mapping / FieldOps / Hemisphere GPS Export, Farms or Fields from one or more Customers can be added to be included in the report. Select the Grower, a Farm, or a Field in the Resources pane. If selecting a Grower or Farm, choose the Add icon for domains. For a Field, select the Field name in the Resources pane, and then choose the Select a Domain icon. This will add the selected domains to the grid in the Hemisphere GPS Export window to build the report.

The Notes column of the grid can be used to add information specific to each individual Field for the aerial applicator.

The Preview icon can used to preview and print the Hemisphere report.

The first page of the report is a summary of the Hemisphere Export. This summary organizes the jobs by Customer and gives the Farm and Field description of each individual job. Customer, Farm, and Field acreage totals are displayed. The centroid coordinates are provided for each individual Field so the Applicator can enter those into a GPS unit for easier navigation.

Individual job maps are also printed after the Hemisphere Export Summary. The job maps include the Customer, Farm and Field descriptions, an aerial photo, the centroid coordinates for the job, any notes that were entered in the Export window, and an inset map depicting all the Fields that are on the job summary. The active Field is colored blue on the inset map.