Home Page - Warehouse

Selecting the Settings icon (cog wheel) in the top right corner of the home page displays three options: About, Location, and Preferences.


This displays the App Version, API URL, and the Database ID being used.

Select the Back Arrow to return to the Home Page.


The Location window displays a listing of all locations accessible to the user. The user permissions established in Agvance are honored within Warehouse. If a user is not provided access to a location, it will not be displayed in this window. Optionally choose Favorite Locations by selecting the Star icon on the Location row. Then, when selecting locations, an option to view All or Favorites displays.

Note: For those using a version of the Warehouse app lower than 1.6.2 , uninstall and reinstall the app and enter the API Database ID in the About section.

Selecting a Location in this window determines the default Location used throughout the app.

Select the Back Arrow icon to return to the Home Page.


Determine the Inbound Receiving Style which is the Bill of Lading (BOL) style established in Agvance.

  • Ag – This style is designed for organizations using Warehouse for inventory purposes and is considered more of a summarized style. The Product and the Quantity are listed on the BOL.
  • Store – This style is designed for users in a convenience store setting and includes detailed costing information.

If using bar code scanning, use the toggle switch to turn on access to the camera.